Sunday, February 27, 2011


Was soooooooo excited to go to the Old port with carly and elizabeth! We were gonna burn cruise the whole way there (obviously), then go to sushi, and awear (to buy a new slide because god hates me- I'll explain that later) and bubble tea and mexicali blues all on my birthday in a glorious cloud of happiness. Yeah well first it snowed this morning.

Then carly was all "I'M THROWING UP BLAHHHHHH"

And all I have to say is the universe is being a little attention whorey today. It is my day so you all can really get a hold of yourselves.

So anyway, I do have a lot of homework, but I got an early start on it since I woke up at NINE THIRTY THIS MORNING, because I was EXPECTING TO GO TO THE OLD PORT. but then the CLUSTERFUCK above happened. (yeeeeeeeeeea)

Brb i'm gonna smoke some more (I am using my new water bottle sploof. <33333)

Haha fuck yeah I'm invincible

I just wanted to throw in a random picture  for effect.

Carly keeps talking to me and I'm like "Shouldn't you be throwing up now?"

And she's like (mind you, in a muffled, throw upy voice) "Why are you so mean"

And I'm like (reasonably, of course) "I don't want you to start accidentally throwing up everywhere while you're trying to talk to me"

Then we just got into an argument because all of a sudden she's being talky as shit and she NEEDS me to change the channel (So it's been on the history channel since 9:50, and it's been a marathon about Nostradamus. GET OVER IT) and I'm like "Holy shit carly can you shut up for like one minute why are you being so vocal right now it's been on for four hours?!" And she's all "I was sleeping and throwing up before!" and so i was just like "So can you sleep and throw up for like another 10 minutes?"

She stopped, so she either listened or is gonna throw up again. She just went "errrnrnmh" which i think is a groan translating "ARRRGHHHH GOTTA THROW UP BLARRRRGGCHHFHHH" so I think she got too nauseous to talk again!! Yayy!!.....???

Anyway, I was totally excited to spend my birthday OUT, HAVING FUN, NOT READING ALL MY FACEBOOK HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!! but SOOOOOMEONE had to choose FEBRUARY 27TH, OF ALL THE OTHER 364 DAYS, to throw up. I dunno why God hates me, but I haven't had lunch yet, so I'll go prepare it. Anyway, to anyone out there who is not at home watching a marathon about Nostradamus ten feet away from your vomiting sister with 2 chapters of history to read and half of fucking Frankenstein to finish, consider yourselves lucky. I, on the other hand, have lunch to look forward to. Cool.

I googled future bathtub so...that's cool I guess?

1 comment:

  1. ahahahahahahahahaha i just read this now and it might be my favorite post ... though i have like three others to read so one of those might beat it. but you really are so mean to me. you would have a lot less material without me, btw, so appreciate the fact that i put you through a lot of shit.
