Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Two Observations.....

1: It is a very good idea to find an episode of law and order: SVU that you haven't seen before, get stoned, and watch it. Make sure it's an intense one of course. Because hoooooooooly shit. This episode tonight...just.....

2: Why do car commercials always have the best fucking songs?! Like WHY! I just saw this one that was like "You've been hypnotized to think blah blah blah" and it had really trippy music on and I was like WHOA WHAT it's like my tv knew I was getting high....I don't know how but it did. HAHAHAHA A GUY ON NBC MAKES CHICKEN WAFFLES WHAT THE HELL! THAT IS NOT A BILLION DOLLAR IDEA. I swear that was just a commercial for the show america's next great restaurant....
brb svu's on.

Okay so the end to that episode nearly brought tears. I feel really emotional because mama never told me which tape to use to record it (because she already went to bed) and I didn't want to accidentally record over something so I didn't record it for her!! And now I feel bad because that was such an amazing episode!! Sort of like the one where the Curly haired woman abducts a bunch of men and scratches words onto their chests because they raped her at summer camp and then she ends up meeting her daughter at the end of the was like that powerful.

Bahh I'm on the OWN ... Oprah Winfrey Network.....why am I watching... It's about some chick who has stigmata...did I spell that right? And they're trying to figure out if they're real or self inflicted i guess. ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .

dunno if i wanna watch the simpsons or Mystery Diagnosis....They always do close ups of people's eyes, random parts of their faces, pills pouring out of bottles, and fuzzy people running to the bathroom to throw up or something haha.


I honestly don't know how to react to that. I was listening to dubstep but it was annoying me too much so I had to pause it. Sorry elizabeth haha. Why are they talking about how this couple how is that relevent unless the secret illness is that she's allergic to him or something. I've had enough of these still photos of uglies.

Uh oh. when she goes in for a mammory exam, she expects a clean bill of health.... (Foreshadowing)/

Buit the results are anything but routine.
"The mammograms found two deposits on my left breast" or something like that. Those were all quotes from the show haha I'm telling you now they're doing a close up of the syringe AND THE SURGEON'S EYES!!!! Told youuuuuuu.

Whaaaaaaat i'm going to throw the fuck up!!! She had a hard red lump on her breast when she woke up monday morning, and lifting things became painful! Simple things, like carrying laundrey!! It was rock hard to the touch oh my gosh haha ewwww. It was warm to the touch ahhh!!!! Hahahaha whatttttt is going on....

PUSS BEGINS OOZING OUT OF HER BREAST!!! hahahahahahaha oh my god they're showing a disgusting pussing nipple HOW THE FUCK IS THAT LEGAL! THIS IS CABLE TELEVISION!!!


What the fuck nothing could prepare her to seenwg what she saw when she removed her bandage.... "It looked like the skin was peeling off. It was literally oozing."

She had an open wound on her chest Like.....what the hell.

I have to go downstairs and check if i put my flash drive in my backpack. Wahhh.

Wow and it's not necrotizing faciatis. They removed her entire left breast (in two seperate surgeries) because they thought that's what it was, but then it jumped to the IV site in her elbow, and she was like okay it has to be something else. So yeah I'm gonna finish this episode, and then we'll see if I watch the colbert report or not, but this post is done! ciao!!

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