I TOOK SCREENSHOTS OF STATUSES THAT MADE ME GO "oh no, you're human too??" AND I'M GONNA SHOW THEM TO YOU (No names or pictures will be shown OF COURSE!!!) and I'm gonna RIP 'EM APART!!
You excited kiddos?!? Okay let's get to the first one!! (Ps I'm excited also)
OOps this first one is not a status...it's something I read on the internet. Specifically tumblr.
No I don't have a tumblr LOL but other people do!
Anyway here we go:
I hope that's big enough for you to read. Okay so Lemme get this straight. Lemme just quote a funny line from this here paragraph.
"They're all idiots, who judge people by what they wear, what they say, how they talk, where they're from, who their friends are, and anything else. I pass many of them in the halls, and I think they're all rude."
Lemme sidetrack for a second here I have to tell you guys what music I'm listening to!!!! Come join in the party it's a REALLY grand tune!!
"I'm into something good" by The bird and the bee
Anyway, so lemme get this straight. You...you hate these people because they judge those they don't know on such trivial things as "what they say" and "how they talk". Come on, we all know those scumbags who choose their friends on shit like their opinions, humor, and personality, which all comes out when we speak, right? And we all know a major cause of bullying in schools is not appearance or weight or social status, but those buggers with funny accents, right?
Oh and also the whole second part of that quote, the part that's like "I pass many of these strangers in the halls, these children who I don't know and have never spoken to and deem them fiendish and inferior to me." That part's really great too.
Okay next picture!! This is fun!!
Oh...oh. Ohhhhhh. Yes, thank you miss! Thank you for that stunning revelation! Homeless people make me sad too!! Wow, that is amazing and I am so glad you shared! Oh and also, glad to hear you offered no help, because it's obvious you would have boasted if you had. Because they don't want your help, they want your pity. So really, THANK YOU, for being EXACTLY the useless, privileged, judgemental, mouth-diarrhea suffering white American teenage girl that the rest of the world DESPISES.
Okay, next one!!
Hmm, good point well made check mate en garde and touche. Also, I feel a little cheap making fun of this one because it's a bit too easy. This is the part where I get sad that I'm more closely related to this lovely person than a dolphin, or a kitty, or a penguin.
Pictured: Penguin
Oooooh oh oh oh!! I see what you're saying there! Only because I have a firm enough grasp on the English language to sew it back together after you tear it apart and shit on it and then light it on fire and then throw it at my house. Haha that got a little out of control at the end, BUT COME ON!!
This person is in HIGH SCHOOL! This person DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO PUT TOGETHER SENTENCES. Also, good point well made tremendous insight!
Well, that's all I've got for now. However, I have to mention that if you recognize your status among these gems, don't feel offended. Everyone says stupid shit! You just happen to be people I don't care for - not that I don't LIKE YOU, I just don't really....care. And well, instead of saying stupid stuff, you typed it out and posted it online and gave me permission to see it. And even though sometimes the thought crosses my mind about leaving facebook for a while (because I find it sucking up time it doesn't deserve with people I don't care about) it's stuff like this that makes me think, "Nahh I can't miss out on this its gold." Actually it's not you people that convince me so much as the few people I lurrrve so much and love to see their notifications and photos and the others who i luuuuuurve to creep on because creeping is actually really fun. But anyway, don't be mad, be glad!
Cuz really, you're most likely not so bad just maybe a little attention whorey. Actually you probably suck a tiny little bit, but that's just my opinion and no one cares.
Okay peace out cubscouts hope you enjoyed the ride!
p.s. I'm going to make a new poll RIGHT now. so GO VOTE......
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