Oh my gosh you guys!! I've been up here enjoying a bowl for a while and then all of a sudden there's a loud and forceful KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK at the door.
Immediately, I'm like ooooooh shit. I go to pause my music (I had been TOTALLY grooving to Stir Me Up by Bob Marley I never knew this song was so cool) and accidentally turn it WAYYY up before pausing it. Then I grab my febreze and make a quick spray. I open the door and I SWEAR TO GOD MY DAD TAKES A GREAT BIG GIANT SNIFF AND LOOKS AT ME AND SAYS
"What do you use the pellets for? Out on the deck."
Inside I'm like, oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING SERIOUSLY YOU'RE ASKING ME THAT RIGHT NOW? I make like the dumb hyena from the Lion King in my face and I'm like "It helps light the fire."
He's like "Ohh really? That works?"
"Yeah, well usually it falls through the grills but it helps sometimes."
"How much do you take?"
"Just like a little sandwich baggie full, like a couple handfuls."
He's like "Oh wow and that works?! Cool!"
I'm like "Yup," close the door quietly when he turns around, and proceed to tell you guys this story.
Know how I know? Because I had been groving out to Stir me up by Bob Marley for a while before I heard the knock, and it was still playing when I typed those two lines above. That means that all happened, AND I typed that all out, in less than five minutes, because the song is 5:21 long.
Okay anyway. I was texting Anna earlier and we were talking about how scary social security numbers are. Everyone has one, and its the most important information you have, and with someone elses, you hold great power. And it's like we're all just a number to the government...just a statistic to control, to keep just healthy enough so we only suffer one or two heart attacks each but just lazy enough to keep from doing shit for ourselves.
You get what I mean.
And so I told her I had been thinking about this earlier, and what I was thinking is this:
I don't like being just a number to my government. I think a government is seriously supposed to love its people. If I'm just a number, just one string of digits in 300 million, how can the government care about ME? In turn, how can I trust THEM to control so much of my life if they don't give two, NOT TWO, rats' asses about me!
But I'm not saying a government has to know each member it controls personally and completely - my vice principal doesn't even know what grade I'm in. I'm saying it has to have love for all of its members. We can't just be numbers to them. Numbers don't mean anything to our emotional brains.
I think when this country was founded, it was sincerely loved by those who found it. I think Lincoln felt genuine love for his country. I think Washington and you know....the other ones did too. Teddy Roosevelt? HE LOVED AMERICA SO MUCH HE GAVE HIS NAME TO OUR BEST STUFFED ANIMAL! James Polk? HE SET OUT FOUR GOALS TO COMPLETE IN HIS ADMINISTRATION AND COMPLETED ALL FOUR IN HIS FIRST TERM!! Andrew Jackson - who do you think you are, thinking I would call him a hero? THAT MAN SUPPORTED PUPPY MILLS!!! Also: Trail of Tears.
You know where my first concern arises? When the Great Depression hits, and FDR becomes president, but in the transition period before Hoover stepped down and FDR up, Hoover reached out to FDR for help to save the country in the remaining months, but FDR refused because he wanted to get all the glory for getting the country out of the depression.
Really, FDR? I mean, I get that. I totally do. I would want all the credit too, and I'm not even being sarcastic. A lot of people would feel that way. Here's the glaring difference: WE'RE NOT THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You fucking were! This is your country, and you're just like "Nope, you guys can chill and starve and shit and I'll just sit here with my brilliant ideas and yeah I'll be there in a few months but this Hoover guy needs to BOUNCE. Mmmm girl talk to the hand cuz the face won't LISTEN!" Like, I'm a 17 year old girl in high school. You were a grown MAN. It's VERY immature to put yourself BEFORE THE COUNTRY YOU'RE ABOUT TO LEAD! That just terrifies me!!
And the way I look at politics now...if it's halfway through a president's first time, he's not going to make any ground breaking decisions or policy changes because he wants to appeal to the majority of the people so he can be re-elected, so why would he decide to legalize marijuana or gay marriage now? That'd be a politically DUMASS move.
So there's a significant chunk of the time when presidents aren't doing anything but trying to cover their own asses, meanwhile the rest of us are like, "Umm, hi. There's a bunch of rules and regulations and stuff that like I don't know our GRANDPARENTS passed and we're just, you know, wondering with all this "progression" we always preach about in schools and stuff - yeah, you know, those schools that we devote WAYYYY too little of our budget for.? - well, maybe we should practice what we preach. You know, move forward, change policy...it's revolutionary, I know."
UNFORTUNATELY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IT IS REVOLUTIONARY!! Jefferson said he thought every generation needed a revolution to keep government from becoming corrupt.
Woops, lapsed on that one didn't we?
And Washington? He warned us against political parties, and permanent foreign alliances. Know what those things caused?
The formation of American politics into a game of "who can convince the most people and keep them on our side", and THE TWO WORLD WARS. So I'm thinking maybe we listen to the past rather than just memorize and study it. MAYBE.
Or maybe we should keep walking forwards with our heads turned around. After all, isn't it so interesting to see where we've been?
I went through a ton of google images to find some delicious food to tantalize you all with. Nothing was looking super irritating and images unrelated to food were showing up for searches like "delicious" (I kept the typo to let you see it, but by irritating I mean appetizing...lol) but then I found THIS doozy and it makes my tummy wanna annihilate EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PASTRIES!! Except maybe the red fruity ones...like wtf even is that? But the white and chocolatey and green and...oh I was just about to name all of them.
Well I hope I made you as hungry as I made myself! Ciao!!!
YES YES YES! EXACTLY BECCA! That is exactly what scares me! and as an American under our Constitution which says we have the right to over throw our government if we do not like what it has become, but we dont do it!!! I feel that everyone is so so unhappy with where we are in our country and no one does anything, it blows my mind!!! We are all so controlled, wake the FUCK up people, open your eyes and realize that!