Monday, September 12, 2011

Do you realize

that, at least if you're in school, you are shoved in the face with a serious end/beginning point EVERY FOUR FUCKING MONTHS. I'm feeling it now with the realization that school is really back, back until May (That's 9 months...that's a pregnancy's worth of months.) and that means summer is really over.

We'll be feeling it again come Winter Vacation, as we look back at already a semester's worth of school and we realize 2011 is already over and it's already time for 2012. Already.

All ready?!? Because it happens again in June, when you look back at your entire year and try to figure out how it's mathematically possible that it's already time for summer when you feel like you started just yesterday but at the same time it has taken so LONG to arrive. I feel like these are all really sentimental moments deep inside everyone's brain when we encounter them, but you know what?

Realizing that should help make you go "Oh, that's completely unnecessary" and we'll stop getting so overly sentimental! There's no reason to feel the feeling of time spent too quickly and missed oppurtunities three times every YEAR. Why bothah!!

My point is, ladies and gentlemen, that you should all be giving me a round of applause for saving you from these burdensome feelings! Seriously though you need to clap your hands a few times for me and if you're alone, do it LOUD. If you're not alone...for example, out in public, or in a library, where clapping to yourself would be frowned upon and scowled at? Do it LOUDER.

I'd honestly upload a picture of hands clapping right now but yeah I have an appointment for my laptop tomorrow...meaning I'm still on the computer from the Late Cretaceous Period, and it's having an especially slow day today. But on a good note, I changed the speakers so I don't have to turn them on and off and on and off again repeatedly multiple times within a song to prevent static....!!!! So I can jam to youtube now and I'm pretty fucking excited about that.

Why don't I just use my i-pod you ask? Well that is in a unique conundrum seeing as it plays music but no longer displays anything but a solid white I can skip through songs on shuffle but have no control over what plays, and seeing as my laptop is on the kuputz, I haven't been able to add more songs to it because it's not compatible with  this compooper.

So that's the story of my life and everyone I know and love. Namely, me. Hahahahahaha!!!

Oh I love you all!!! Smell ya later!!

P.S. I never really left so this isn't really a legitimate P.S....anyway, I'd just like to say that I think it's incredibly irritating when people tell me that I'm skinny or thin...not that it bothers me or makes me self conscious but I'm telling you people, I'm not some abnormal example of a skinny person, or at least I wouldn't be if the world wasn't so FAT. 

In fact, I had an epiphany about it while watching Dazed and Confused with Carlotta a week ago. There was a busy hallway scene in the school and there were kids everywhere and you know what I saw zero of? Fat people. 
And don't you dare take that to mean everyone was thin and beautiful - there were just no balls of dough rolling or stomping or squelching (Yah - squelching) their way down the crowded halls.

I guess my point is I find it sad that in our society, fit people are "skinny" and chunky dunky people are "normal" and only when you are a sphere of lard barreling your way down the hallway inhaling five cheeseburgers a minute are you "fat".
I mean that in the ...well I was about to lie and say nicest, but truly I mean it only in the nastiest way possible. Muah haha

p.p.s sorry this post has a white background I fucked up.

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