I'm talking
These piece of shits! From forevskies XXI.
Now, I have had enough of this nonsense and I am not kidding you; today there was a basketball game so all the girls on the basketball team dressed up and every single freshman who did so wore a bandage skirt, obviously, what else was I going to say, overalls?
It's like yes girls good job girls yes you have RUMPS if you stretch fabric over your backsides like it's saran wrap on cold meat. And no, that's not even the worst part. It's not the silliness of how it looks even, or how miserably annoying it is that they all wear the same thing and love the shit out of it. It's the fact that today was January 3rd, and about a week ago Maine was like "Hiiiii I'm gonna get cold like RIGHT now!"
So it has been frickity frickity freezing for the past...who even cares, because it was INSANELY freezing this morning. What kind of dumbass could possibly walk out of their house this morning and find it morally acceptable and responsible to let most of their legs go uncovered. It's like, I am freezing if I am wearing short-ish pants that show like half an inch of ankle!! I put my winter coat on today at lunch, even though I was already wearing A SWEATER. THAT IS HOW COLD IT IS OKAY? DO YOU GET ME? ARE YOU ON MY LEVEL RIGHT NOW?
That is QUITE enough if I do say so myself and I do, because I just said it. I totally say so myself. Oh and I just remembered after all of that, it was actually sophomore girls I was thinking of. I just forget that they're not freshmen anymore. Probably everyone does it too honestly. Is it really that much to ask girls my age to manage enough brain cells to put together a non-deadly ensemble in the morning? Seriously, what if there was a firedrill you useless driveling spaghetti clumps? You probably would have died. And um, someone probably would have applauded.
Hahaha oh my gosh that was so harsh. I like being harsh though because eh, it's fun.
Anyway, if there's anyone who actually looks forward to my music suggestions rather than ignoring/hating them all, I cannot stress enough how valuable a Helen by Nizlopi station on Pandora is. Just check it out homies and homettes, if you're up for the challenge. I will even challenge you three skips before you come across something so immediately appealing that you can't next it. Well, toodle-loo and off to watch chopped because let's be honest, it's the last two rounds that are the best anyway.
P.S. Happy almost 4,000 Views YEeeeeehawwwwwww bungaroos!!! Yeeeeehawwww!!!!
p.s. I thought this was funny so I thought I'd share with you...I had to double check to make sure rump was a synonym for butt because sometimes I randomly decide to replace words that are not good replacements. Oops!! Teehee anyway bye :~)
> you useless driveling spaghetti clumps <