Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hahahahaha first of all, FUCK!

Haha okay so I'm smoking in the bathroom okay (which I totally do all the time because standards in this house have just completely collapsed or something but who's still wildly successful and intilegenté? This bitch) and so without even thinking to see if anyone is in the hallway, I just open the door with my computer blasting music and my little stinky goodies bag slung around my shoulder. And then I hear someone open the hallway closet door.

That is my attempt to make that face, I googled "dread face" by the way. I include both pictures because I'm not sure if I fully captured the emotion. It's a hard face to fake! 

And so I like muted my music and just stood there for what was probably a noticeably weird amount of time, and then I left and my mom asked if I want to play cards and I was like, "Yah sure later" and then I come in here. And not another word was exchanged.

Haha!!! Anyway, I had a REASON why I left the room so hastily. It's because I was thinking a thought, and I wanted to expand the thought so ya'll could join me in thinking the thought. I love sharing thoughts with other thinkers. Anyway, let's carry on.

I was just wondering what goes into being "smart" and if it really comes down to brains or motivation. Because it's actually kind of an insult when kids in class are always like "Yeah but it's easy for YOU, you're SMART". Uhm actually you stupid fuck, do you know what it takes to be smart? It takes a shitload of EFFORT, which includes treating homework like basketball practice or what have you - it sucks but it's not really an option if you ever want to get better or prove yourself worthy in a game or go anywhere in life. Homework isn't a little pesky mosquito that you complete to get a 72 for a final grade, and if you honestly think that, then wow, why am I even trying to have an intelligent conversation with you, am I right? What's the point, because you obviously don't fucking get it.

What pisses me off the most are the kids I know are smart, they just refuse to apply themselves. Applying yourself isn't even all that hard just you just literally have to do it, it's as easy as that. Easy as taking a poop - you just get up and DO IT. And then you're done - boom. That was easy.

But then the line gets fuzzy and I ask myself, is there really any smart or dumb? Isn't it just drive or laziness? Like, do you think really everyone could be smart if they only had the confidence in themselves not to fail? Or does it come down to some brains also just being different from others, in a way that they get things others simply can't get. I suppose it's a combination of the two. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT(t?) it's not an excuse for all the lazies who refuse to pay attention in class or do homework and then complain after taking the test that there was "A bunch of shit on it that Mr/Ms.X didn't even teach, I swear" and "Oh well obviously Person X gets it, he/she's  smart"

Actually people, maybe Person X just has the self-awareness to realize that succeeding means applying.  Think about that next time you bitch.

I shtill wuv you though 

1 comment:

  1. I think you look a little more unimpressed than scared but, y'know good job anyway.
