Oh, right. So yeah you're single in terms of not ya know being MARRIED and what not and in terms of a relationship you are also single but why do you have to define your SELF as single. Because you're not single. There are so many other people in your life there should be no way anyone can ever define themselves as single, and if they feel that way, there are other ways to go about fixing such a feeling.
A treat for myself, because I feel like creamsicles are soooo scrumpdiddly UMPTIOUS. Yum yum yum but who ever eats them in the middle of January you know? No one thinks of creamsicles at a time when the wind is howling at several degrees below freezing. But they're delicious all the time you guys, and it's important to remember that. And I'm not even being paid to say this. And I hope by saying I'm not being paid, it doesn't sound like I'm being paid, cuz I'm not being paid, but I'd totally take payment if creamsicle is interested in working something out. Anyway, about popsicles.
Elizabeth and I decided to get popsicles after geting brunch at Becky's Diner because you know, we do things like that. So we go to Radley's and let me inform you that their selection was sub-par at best and atrocious at worst. They had one dented cardboard box of "Real Fruit Bars" whose name Elizabeth pointed out contradicted itself. I mean, there were a couple other popsicle selections, but they were pretty much all equally pathetic.
Anyway, I'd just like to say, step it up grocery stores in New England in January. You should be stocking for every single silly customer's whim. That means creamsicles RIGHT NOW AT MY FINGERTIPS.
p.s. I just realized that if anyone reading this knows anything about freud, lol. fucking lol.
you have no idea how much i want a creamsicle right now