Monday, January 31, 2011

This will be really quick

I just saw the saddest ASPCA commercial I've ever seen in my life. I almost cried. It was horrifically cute animals with their names and a little sentence like "nathaniel...never loved and left to die" and "blondie...abandoned and dying of a broken heart." Those are verbatim from the commercial. And I honestly don't give a fuck if those are in any way true  or if they're total propaganda, because animal suffering is real.

And so it just inspired me that whatever I do in life, whatEVER it is, I am going to adopt as many dogs as I can. Not at a time - I don't want to have a farm. But I'm not going to always get puppies either. If there's a sweet old 11 year old dog, I'll take it, because those are always so hard to get rid of. A fiesty 5 year old? I'll take it. In my life, I want to save as many dog's lives as I can.

1 comment:

  1. I JUST saw that commercial the other day, and I was super baked and I started tearing up, it is by far the saddest one they have made yet, I just want all the damn dogs!
