Okay, she posted this status on facebook that's like "just wrote a check for $666 dollars heh heh heh."
So my cousin comments, and this will be a direct quote ladies and gentlemen, "You're obviously in a position to teach me about being better with money my friend!! Get ready as I'm coming to be your student lol."
So I tell her that she said that because my sister is in the position that she's able to write a 600 dollar check. And carly is like "No, Becca, it's because it's six six six"
I'm like "UMMM NOOOOOOOOOOOO [yelled in a chewbacca voice. for the rest of the quote, read in normal screaming voice] IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE ABLE TO GIVE AWAY SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS"
So...I am correct. Back me up here. That would be effective except right now carly is my only follower, and I don't think she even really knows how to sign in again or how to comment or publish said comments, so the liklihood of her even reading this, let alone accomplishing a comment on it is very unlikely, so basically the only person who could potentially read this is her, and she won't, so what I'm saying is, there's no one here to back me up. Whoa okay like i typed that but it felt like it was just one long run on sentence that I was saying, so I felt like out of breath when I finished. Weird, cuz I think I was breathing that whole time...I think....
Alright, that was really fucking hard. Guys, let mme just fill you in on what just happened. I honestly don't know why I keep having these computer adventures but so be it. Okay I typed that last sentence, and I was like oooh I'm gonna try a picture of myself looking all sketchy or whatever. Because, if you'll notice my first post, I put a picture in there (that, I originally figured out sober). Umm but yeah so I did that but only after I originally posted it. Like, I edited it. Okay so, now you see where I'm at? I know how to put the picture in, I just have to take the right one, and so I take a while to get the right one but there it is, fine. So i come on here and do the whole upload picture thing, but all the pictures I just took aren't available!!! I"m like, WTF!. So I try doing it after I close photobooth...still doesn't work. I try reopening photobooth and then closing it again. Upload still won't work. Finally, I open photobooth, and try to drag the picture to the desktop, but it's impossible cuz all the windows are in the way. So I have to rearrange the windows, and they always move and freak out and stuff when you do that, so there I am still trying to uplload the picture when finally I get all the windows in the right spot and it finally works.
So then I have to arrange the photo...and it made it soooo hard to get it where I want! Anyway, I don't want to talk about this anymore. Explaining things is soooooooo exhausting.
Plus, I'm watching SVU. There's a child in the car Wtf....the guuy is driving really fast....oh no we heard a collision....wtf ....

Ahhh I just had another situation, The spacing got all weird when I put that photo in. See AHH what is it doing haha. Oh wait, all better now! Okay, I trust this website now. If I ever had any doubts, they are gone.
I just had to explain this one last thing...umm don't mind my ugly shirts that's my pajama shirt I don't like wear that shit like out in public or even if the sun is still up like this is strictly bedtime shit so...just ya know keep that in mind before you judge me, right? Judge me on this!! Whoooooo.
My elbows kind of hurt. Whaaaat is catatonia. Seriously I'm sorry but what is it. SVU just said something could lead to it. So....what is it. They made it sound like...haha like this.
Benson: "What's so bad about the common cold?"
Huang: "Well, it could lead to gingivitis, heart disease, rectal cancer, Ebola virus, and toe explosion"
Benson: * Wide Eyed stare that is like OMG *
Ugh did I mention my elbows hurt??? OOOOwwww wtf is this carpal tunnel syndrome?
Maybe laying down would work...a little but this isn't that comfortable. Okay it's like weirdly comfortable like in a "I might get a bedsore..."
Should I get a clemantine or ask carly to get me one?
Duuuuuude I should have recorded that because apparently you can insert videos. I just asked her if she would, and she was like you can, and I was like I know I'm just asking if you would do that for me, and she was like why would I, and I was like for a favor, and she was like are you almost done writing? and I was like I don't know but it doesn't matter cuz you're not reading it tonight. And she was like why not? and I was likebecause you have to read it tomorrow it will be funnier that way! And she was like all sad and I wasl ike if you get me a clementine you can read it tonight....AND SHE WENT!!!
But brought it to me in a tissue...rude and disrespectful. Some will never learn....
Oops I forgot I was writing in here. Well, I'm not one to write when I'm not feeling passionate, so I'll be going soon. Plus my thumbs and elbows = oww. Plus, it's ten to eleven! owwwch elbows. Yeah, peace out guys!!!
P.S. Go buy clementines. Don't care what your life story is. If you're up and reading this, then you go outside and START THE CAR AND FIND A STORE AND PUT YOUR BLINKER ON AND TURN AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME AND EXIT YOUR CAR AFTER PUTTING IT IN PARK AND WALK IN THE STORE AND BUY A BOX OF CLEMENTINES AND EXIT THE STORE, RESTART THE CAR AND EXIT THE PARKING LOT THEN PROCEED BACK TO YOUR HOUSEHOLD AND EAT THE CLEMENTINE ACCORDING TO CLEMENTINE EATING CUSTOMS. If you are not familiar with said customs, please google them and then enjoy. Warning: the white stuff is bitter if there are huge chunks. Um anyway yeah do that and then report back to me!!!!
I should find you a nice picture to convince.....
Yes!!! HOW FUCKING GOOD WOULD THAT TASTE?!??! GOOOOOO FINNNDDD OUT!!! Also: bigger is not always better. The brighter orange and more tender they are, the bettter they are, even if they're very small. Trust meeeee on this quality vs size. Alright, the elbows are gremlines biting their gremlin teeth through my "wenis" skin....I think it's my muscles actually. But from thyping, Yikes. The one tenden that goes from your ring finger to your elbow...type you'll feel it. Fucking OW I HAVE TO GO BYE!
write more.