Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Isn't it so funny

about the way February the 14th (not to be mistaken for Friday the 13th) just seems to bring out the inner philosopher in everyone?

I mean really, you'd think everyone actually grew a pair, and by pair I mean of hemispheres as in brain hemispheres as in as if anyone actually grew a brain. Because really, any direction you blink an eye, you will have someone who's SUPER informed on the background and social stigma of Valentine's Day and they're also SUPER aware of how intrigued you are about their views and what they have to say about the subject, so don't you worry, you are going to listen because they will tell you.

Lol and welcome to the mind-blowing earth-shattering insight we've scattered across this year, good ol 2012 aka THE LAST YEAR WE WILL EVER HAVE ON EARTH (If you are a believer.....

....lizard men.... ......... )

Anyway, it either comes down to someone's total rationalization about why Valentine's Day is the stupidest thing ever, or why Valentines day is quite the sweetest thing ever...., OR they make you awesome Nicolas Cage cards, and unless you're the last one there's no point in you and the whole "breathing my air" nature of your being, etc etc. But if you're the last one, you know I love you!

Anyway, it's just funny because holy shit you guys, do my peers have passionate views about Valentine's Day or what!! Ask them what they think today (or last night, apparently) and good luck getting a word in for the next 120 seconds because they are going to be filled with your friend's opinion on the day.

BUTTTTTTTT(T?) and this is a BIIIIIIIIGGGGGG BUTTTTTTTTTT(T?), there's a little buggy in the back of my head screaming, "Hey, there are other things that like, aren't sponsored by Hallmark and like actually kind of are important to like I don't know stupid things like the fucking WORLD, IN WHICH WE, YOU KNOW, LIVE IN AND STUFF. BUT LIKE NO, YOU'RE GOOD. KEEP SCREAMING ABOUT VALENTINE'S DAY BECAUSE THAT IS SUPER PRODUCTIVE."



(by furthermore, I mean a completely unrelated topic. You still with me here folks? Still with me? I'll plop another picture in so I don't lose my slower readers in this sea of words ;~])

Anyway, people are getting sick all around me, so it's probably happening as it usually does that the horrific buggering stomach flu is going around again this time of year and well....I urge my readers to take the antibiotic precautions!!

Now is the time to really OVERDO the potential to cause super-bugs, and I'm pretty sure I'm not being sarcastic but at this point even I don't know sometimes. I mean, I'm pretty sure that upping the usage of hand sanitizer and hand scrubs is useful at times like this but then again, I don't know if that's worse in the long run due to the whole superbugs thing I just mentioned.

Just one thing though. If I throw up this year I SWEAAAAAHHH I'm gonna...I don't know START A LITTLE FIRE OF PINE NEEDLES IN THE STREET WHEN IT'S WARM ENOUGH! AND LIKE, PUT IT AWAY BEFORE IT GETS OUT OF HAND. No I take that back, that's a charming thing to do.

No if I throw up again it's just cosmically unfair and it will mean everyone else owes me 200 dollars or something because I've thrown up enough thank you very much universe I bid you good day!!


  1. Truthism..... shits real.

  2. i throw up more than you betch.

  3. yo that's a siiiiick picture. the one for your slower readers, that is. -charles
