So last week all I wanted to do was just rant on my bliggity blog but I couldn't because it was the week from hell (and one of the tamer ones at that, just two exams and an outline due, and i totally got an 84 for the sexuality exam, booo yah bitches BOO YAH, DIDN'T EVEN DO A VERY GOOD STUDYING JOB AT ALL. At that point it's like, are you trying to brag about your mediocre grade or your faulty sense of time management? Its like NEITHER, I'M JUST SAYING. And mediocre is excellent when you're preparing for the worst! So I actually did excellent. So phuckk awwffff)
Anyway, I couldn't take time off from my doing work and my pretending to do work and then actually GOING to work...and class...etc etc so I did not blog last week. So I am here now. Usually in situations like this my posts would have been nearly identical whether posted today or a week ago. This is not the case, because the thing that was on my mind was really ON MY FUCKING MIND all week so I vented about it and talked to people about it, and have come upon my own revelations. So I will be sharing those, instead of the deep pit of hell fury that was going to be my frustration post a week ago! There will be some frustration but it will be like, moderate hole...of hell....fury.... Lol, are you still with me?!?!?!
So what was bothering me was the fact that the only time I'm ever talked to here at school is by people who are literally TALKING AT ME. And I was always aware that this was my own doing, in fact, my junior year I operated under the mindset that I was not going to talk unless spoken too. And that was fine and I still ended up talking because I LIVED IN A SMALL SCHOOL WHERE I SAW THE SAME CHILDREN I HAD BEEN SEEING FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS. I'm sorry about the yelling. I will try to use italics when applicable from now on. Probably some of that could have been all this shit but......what happened happened.
Okay, anyway, while it was "okay", I still ended up getting minorly depressed and had to break out of that mindset because it's very lonely to just sit and wait for people to want to talk to you. So I did and boom, happiness and stuff occured.
So fast forward to now I'm in college now, and through a series of unfortunate events known as my first semester social habits and practices, I don't have like....that many friends. Okay.
But the past few weeks people have been like...actually approaching me and shit. And being all "let's become friends oh yes let's!!"
Now I am no longer blazed out of my mind for all of my proceedings every day all day like I was last semester, so that helps in the looking all "present and communicable", and it helps in carrying on the conversations too so I am not quite as much of a useless blob on a stick as I was. Because yeah, I guess I had to find out on my own that too much weed is not a good thing and that was why my brain was slogging through knee deep mud the whole time. I was honestly like, what's going on here?? Where's my wit?? Well that's where it was - getting hacked out of my lungs in ugly coughs at the gym.
But I digress.
I digressed so hard that I left for like three weeks but now I'm back. Why do I keep doing this?? It's cuz I have so much to say I get bogged down by it all and just have to leave halfway through. So like, I'm gonna do my best to pick up where I left off and we'll see where we go from here.
I think what I was going to say is I just hate most people, and it's nothing against the people, really. I mean it is obviously, because my judgement is flawless and superior to all other judgements (some might even compare me to God....I wouldn't stop them) but at the same time I also believe in the whole "to each their own" thing, ya know, whatever floats your boat, whatever shines your shoes, whatever flops your mop, etc. So if people want to be lame and stupid and talk about their stupid useless things and find their stupid unfunny annoying things to be hilarious, then by all means, carry on. Ahead. Without me. Haha.
And this was originally very bitter but I'm not bitter anymore because I've realized that no one ever likes most people, and the people who do are very strange and terrible and the rest of us should ostracize them if only because they don't know the feeling of being the outcast and it's time to fuckin let 'em know. Wow it's 4:21 I'm just sayin. I have eerily beautiful timing....some might call me.....perfect. I wouldn't stop them.
Lol there I go digressing again. Hold on, a picture to keep you all company, but it's MY OWN, NOT FROM GOOGLE, FUCK OFF GOOGLE!!! ALSO FUCK OFF SPOTIFY ADVERTISEMENTS!!!! erghhhh
*******Okay that was taking absurdly long to upload so if I remember to come back and put it up when I finish this then feel very grateful okay, if I forget then don't take it personally******
Anyway, it's like, I hate complaining about it because I think some people don't understand that 99% of what I'm saying, I don't actually find myself superior to all other humans. I mean like, I do in many ways, because I'm sorry but let's just be honest I am, but in a lot of ways it's just as satirical as it is sincere, if that makes sense? If it doesn't, you're probably stupid and ugly anyway. Jeeze I'm sorry about all the ugly jokes I feel like I make them a, it's okay if you ARE ugly. Haha I mean, it's fine with ME but like probably sucks for YOU and stuff....
Anyway, I don't want to come off as that hoity toity bitch who hates everyone when really she's the one no one can stand and she blames it on all the perfectly fine people in her life. Because I am grateful for those who find delight in me because that just makes me find so much more delight in them!! What I'm trying to get at is I'm thankful for the multitude of blobs out there that go about their blobby ways and disgust me so. Because that's when you get to truly recognize the people who are awesome, the people you do love, and what is so awesome about them and what makes you love them so much.
So thanks to all the people who love me and a double thanks to the people that I love (many of you fall into both) - thanks for giving me faith in that species of ours!! You helped me realize that I do get anxious with the "people" for good reason - most of them do not get me - but the persons who do are my faves and I love them and thanks for putting up with my sometimes too loud/annoying laughter. muah muah!!
thanks for 8,000 views or some shit!!! and fuck all of you except for the one person who voted on my poll!! go vote on that shit right now mothafuckas!!!!!
I predict that some day...some day...Stephen Colbert is going to watch YOUR show. Weekly. No doubt about it.