Saturday, March 9, 2013

If a social event occurs, and it's not documented on facebook, DID IT HAPPEN??

You know that old adage (italicized not for emphasis but because I feel really smart for using that word) "if a tree falls in the middle of the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound??"

This riddle used to confound me as a child. Because really, it's a good question. Until I realized that humans aren't the only organisms that can hear - there were probably squirrels around when it happened, and besides the point, sound is just vibrations that occur regardless of whether ears are intercepting them or not (Thanks Ms. Frizzle!).

But this new one is different. It has repercussions. Here's the thing. Today's a really sunshiney day and it's all like really beautiful and stuff, so everyone's jizzing their pants in excitement and is all OMG I'M GONNA GO OUTSIDE AND STUFF BECAUSE FUCK YAH!!!!!!

Now let me just make this clear - that's exactly what I did this morning too! Except I am a bad person with bad college sleeping habits, so by this morning I mean more like noon thirty!! But I still went outside and read To Kill a Mockingbird in the sun because 1) I haven't read it yet and I feel like an incomplete person with this, Lord of the Rings, and the Star Wars Trilogy outside of my realm of experience, but I felt this was the most important, and also I have an illegal copy that I may or may not have accidentally permanently borrowed from the high school, and also adamantly refused to do any college work this past week because honestly, you would too.

Listen with me!!! :-) It's a wickedly awesome video too!!

Anywho, so I'm out there not only being all ecological and shit cuz I'm sitting in the sunshine and that's like, not burning any fossil fuels and stuff so yay me and everything, and on top of that I'm being SCHOLARLY too because Fuck yah look at what an amazing person I am!!! But EVEN I DIDN'T BOAST ABOUT IT ON FACEBOOK, YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN?

I'm not even saying the people who boasted about being outside today on fbook were boasting, that's not even really  my point. It's totally cool to boast on facebook, I mean not to toot my own incredibly loud and superior horn, but I did get my license this Monday and I certainly let all of my fuckbook friends know about it. That's fine, whatever, I don't care, not the point.

My point is....those people who shared that they went outside and enjoyed the sunshine today - omg Over My Head by The Fray just started playing *I'm shuffling all my pandora stations it's literally the most orgasmic experience you can have besides eating an orange after track practice and also actual orgasms* and like you guys should play that song too once you finish with the song I just posted, but like whatever it's YOUR decision, I'm just here with suggestions for those of you who'd like 'em. k back to the sentence now - well, we all know that they went outside and enjoyed the sunshine today. We were all made aware that they weren't kept inside by the enclosing walls of MAN. No, they WENT OUTSIDE BECAUSE ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAR SUNSHINE IN MAINE IN MARCH IS THE MOST DELIGHTFUL FEELING EVER!!!

And it is!! I'm not even saying it's not, because it totally is! All of this is perfectly fine and it all makes sense and I don't have a problem with any of it!! But then it's like, I went outside too, only I didn't tell anyone about it - does that make what I had to do any less significant? I am the tree that went outside in the forest and did not tell any of their facebook friends about it - did I even make a sound?

I'm going real deep into metaphor now. Dive along with me fellow metaphorians, it is nice down here and it is not too hard to breath. Just follow along. 

But anyway it's like this. I live at college, and sometimes I wonder if I'm in a learning institution or an unspoken competition to see who has the most exciting and vivacious social life. And the platform is facebook, and I TOTALLY LOSE.

Sometimes it's like, do people take pictures to document memories? Or is it to upload to facebook to prove to everyone else that they are totally making unforgettable memories? And to prove to me that I, Becca, am truly the saddest person in the entire universe because of the sadly pathetic amount of new picsss of drunken bliss uploaded every weekend (or ever). And that's not wrong completely. But I have had, if you can possibly believe it, a few sparse moments of hanging out with other people this past year! I'm actually really dramatic when making fun of myself - I'm no worse than I was in high school, I never went out every weekend then either and I spent a lot of homework on homework then too (Lol, keeping that typo so you can all lol with me. I mean "a lot of time on homework". But hey, it felt like homework on homework too. Ugh, a pandora station just went "Uhhh - sorry to interupt!" Like fuck you commercial, I hate you so much right now. You definitely fucking do mean to interrupt, yoou're not SORRY!!!! k back to the sentence now). 

But it's also not just facebook either, I mean that's the only "social media" account I have but I think it's all the other ones too. So I guess - no I don't guess I know - what I'm trying to say is that doing the occasional social thing and the self righteous "going outside even though it's still pretty chilly but it's the sun and I love it and stuff" without documenting it on 3 different social media sites with at least one picture amongst them makes it feel like a damn tree fallin in the forest without so much as an ANT to pick up on it!!!

NOW THE ULTIMATE CONUNDRUM: TO POST THIS POST ON FACEBOOK, OR NOT. don't even know if I technically exist in the universe anymore.//.2/4./51./ what is physical anymore ..5..6./32,4/7 feel like everything has gone digital/2.4/5./89//.

Well hope that sufficiently weirded you out for the day! ENJOYING THE SUNSHINE HAHA LOL I'M SITTING NEAR A WINDOW, BEEEETCHES. ciao!


  1. I can't believe that you posted twice without me noticing, I'm usually better than that.

    "Today's a really sunshiney day and it's all like really beautiful and stuff, so everyone's jizzing their pants in excitement and is all OMG I'M GONNA GO OUTSIDE AND STUFF BECAUSE FUCK YAH!!!!!!"

    That was one of the funniest things that I've ever read and on another note I cant believe you haven't read to kill a mockingbird, thats just ridiculous.

    Well I think I've sufficiently rambled for now, have fun in the sun!

  2. Oh! One more thing, I've been listening to Radical Face again and have started to love this one

    You should just listen to the whole album as it's awesome


    I just found this one yesterday and it's damn beautiful
