Sunday, December 23, 2012

See, the thing about assholes

these days is first of all, there are about 900 different varieties. Some are particularly ripe and unwelcome, like the one I encountered TWO NIGHTS AGO WITH ELIZABETH AT THE TATTOO SHOP. YES THAT'S RIGHT. SOMETIMES COOL PEOPLE CAN BE ASSHOLES TOO.

Yes, even tattoo artists! It is frightening, I know, to think of someone in such a laid back position being a throbbing dickwad, but it happens, let me assure you.

See, one of the ripest kinds of assholes are the kinds that insist on arguing with you on something they know jackshit about, even though you have clear reliable resources backing your reasoning.

So let me set the scene. Our friend is getting a tattoo done while me and Elizabeth and another chick (sorry, she's totally irrelevant though and will never be mentioned again, funny how some people are that way, it's okay I'm that girl too sometimes, anyway) are the only ones in the waiting room cuz like the shop is closed. And there are two tattoo artist guys.

So we're all blabbing to each other about random shit and then Elizabeth and I start going off about the documentary Tapped that we didn't know the other had seen - it's the one about bottled water and how YOU ALL NEED TO STOP BUYING/DRINKING IT IMMEDIATELY SERIOUSLY THOUGH stop being an asshole! Lol, that's another breed, the kind who will still drink bottled water after watching Tapped! You should find out if you're one of those honestly.

ANYYYYWAYYYYY, so we're going back and forth about bottled water and why it's shitty....oh and I remember why, it's because they had asked me about finals so I mentioned my environmental justice class and as always, everyone is like "der dahh dahhh wahhhht?" but like it's amazing because rather than being coherent about asking questions about that class, I feel like literally everyone turns into a drooling idiot and can't understand my quick breakdown of the basic concept (minority communities are targeted by waste industries and the likes because they are less likely to protest than affluent white communities and are therefore wayyy more impacted by pollution and shit, etc). I mean not everyone of course, but ....a lot of people!!

ANYWAYYY!!!! So I'm talking about environmental injustice, and Elizabeth and I are going off about bottled water, and I start saying how Americans need to limit our waste because we have too much impact on the world, one of the stupid tattoo artists was like "Nahh Americans don't have any power at all are you kidding me we're like owned by China, there's nothing left for us to do" as in he was COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTANDING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT.

So I'm like "Uh right but like we're 5% of the world's population and contribute 20% of the waste" and I mention all the plastic in the pacific ocean and one fucking guy goes "I don't understand why people get so worked up about the ocean though like we've got a lot more problems than the ocean why does it matter" while the other tattoo guy brilliantly adds "I mean, I was sick all the time when I was younger but guess what I never get colds now! So like, about chemicals from the plastic and shit, I'll just develop an immunity to it so I don't think it's that much of an issue."

See these are the people who insist on priding themselves for not going to college and furthering their education - WOW CONGRATULATIONS I HAD NO IDEA THAT THAT WASN'T THE PLAN FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING IN THE UNIVERSE, WOW YOU DEFY THE ODDS OF SOCIETY DON'T YOU PAL, WHAT A FREE THINKER, - meanwhile they don't have the balls to say anything like "good for you" to anyone who does further their education, even though that's exactly what they expect to hear in return to "Yeah I am a tattoo artist and can do this for the rest of my life while other suckers are investing in an education that may or may not get them a job hahaha what absolute MORONS man I'm awesome I'm gonna go suckle some BPA-contaminated water because like, I will develop an immunity against it haha aren't you excited for me to procreate!!!"


Is it a sexism thing? Of course it is. These guys have tattoos omg! on themselves and one guy even did a drawing of a dick-tree on another dude! Wow!! I imagine several naked women have been drawn on guys who haven't seen a real naked woman (at least who looks as good as the one needled into their arm) in ages. Just a theory. Point is, some guys have a reeeeeeeeaaaaalllll issue when ladies come into their territory and start revealing information that, if not immediately rebutted, would result in them having to actually change some life habits. And fuck that because like, society man!!! Right?


Hehe have a good sunday everyone!!

P.S. my little anonymous commenter - the last song you posted is the first one I hadn't known beforehand!!!! But I did love it. You are just the sweetest thing, you really are. You probably have the least amount of asshole in your body out of all the people in the universe. In fact, how do you poop, because you have so little asshole? Just kidding, it's getting weird now hahahaha. Anyway ciao!!!!

And all of the rest of you, including the little commenter that could but obviously not limited to, LISTEN TO THISSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I feel eveerrryyyyyyyyy time I head south from the land of bunsen burners. :~)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dude so like, sorry if this is you

But that has stopped me literally never and if this is you then it's actually your fault for doing such an annoying and terrible thing should be the one apologizing.

Okay anyway I just can't stand all the fucking statuses I keep seeing that are like "OMG got into UMAINE with a merit scholarship :) :)" or "Got accepted to U_____(insert any state name ever)" as if these are supposed to be um....accomplishments? Okay just let me back up.

First of all, yes, getting into college is an accomplishment. For anyone. And getting the first acceptance letter feels awesome regardless of who you are. But there are certain people, myself included, who have known their entire lives that come senior year, they're going to apply to a fuck ton of colleges and likewise get accepted to a solid shit ton. It is all about applying to security schools and a few reach schools. You apply to colleges that you know you will be accepted to. I'm not talking about fucking Brandeis here or ehem WILLIAM AND FUCKING MARY, BECAUSE YOU'RE GOSH DARN FRIKEN TOOTEN I'M GONNA TOOT MY OWN HORN AT THIS POINT, BECAUSE THAT IS A SELECTIVE SCHOOL OKAY, ALSO ONE THAT JON STEWART ATTENDED SO REALLY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. I'm talking about University of Maine.

Do you want to know something you guys? Something really shocking? Here it is: it's NOT DIFFICULT AT ALL TO BE ACCEPTED INTO A STATE SCHOOL, AND IF YOU ARE BY ANY SEMBLANCE AN INTELLIGENT PERSON, YOU LIKELY ALSO GOT SOME SORT OF SCHOLARSHIP. If you are the kid who has been in honors classes your entire life and represent the top ten percent of your class, as ALL OF THE FUCKERS I'M BITCHING ABOUT DO, then you DON'T need to tell us the random ass state schools that you decided to apply to and therefore immediately got accepted into. Literally a billion jillion kajillion other people did the exact same thing. Settle down and wait for the exciting letters in March, otherwise I'm going to start updating my status every time I cross the street on my own successfully. And for those who know me, you know that's a much bigger accomplishment than any of these twits getting accepted to state universities, just stop it.

Becca rant OVER AND OUT.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello everyone. Did you think that I died again?

Not again as in I've already died before but again as in you thought I died last time I didn't post for a month, and I just gone went and didn't post for a whole nother month again, but I'm back now, but you thought I died didn't you?

Frankly, I did.

Or more accurately I'm on my death bed now. I have a fatally painful sore throat (if by "sore" you mean "there are tiny vikings bludgeoning my esophagus with hammers") and also, I am starting to be a baby about the cafeteria food here again, but really I can either label myself a baby or we can be honest with ourselves and I'll say I'M A HEALTHY FUCKING INDIVIDUAL WHO IS TIRED OF EATING NUTRITIONAL EQUIVALENTS OF CARDBOARD EVERY DAY EXCEPT WORSE because...well not quite worse. It's food. But...if you asked me to quickly tell you if it was food-like cardboard or cardboard-like food, I would freeze and ask you to please repeat the question.

GUYS I FINISHED MY ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE PAPERRRR ANNNNNDDDDD I MADDDEEE ITTTT TOOO SEVVVEENNNN PAGES (because if he didn't say 6 &1/2 isn't 7, then it is  7). And I did it all after planning a little shchmidge I call part of a group presentation on advertising and the LGBT community of which my part concerned magazines. *Backing up here - I'm not sure if that last bit of the sentence made sense but I'm keeping it because...because I feel like it makes sense enough, ya feel me? Enough is good enough these days. Enough should ALWAYS be good enough. Think about that.

Think about that next time you're drinking bottled you think you've contributed enough plastic waste to the environment? No? No, you're right, nah you're good, keep...keep using and throwing away -- Oh wait oh you recycle oh okay everything is okay now because recycling is this magic thing that has no impact on anything and fixes everything for forever so superb! -- a minimum of one water bottle a day. Because you, as one in 7 billion, deserve to consume that much. Every day. With the knowledge that millions of people are doing the same thing.

Wow, that wasn't even what my paper was about, it was a nuclear waste facility trying to be built near a native american tribe!! You'd think it's a classic case of corporation taking advantage of vulnerable community a la environmental injustice style, but leaders of the tribe considered it a well thought out and analyzed decision since their region was already surrounded by some of the worst polluters in the entire country so there was literally no chance of any other kind of industry. And as far as hazardous industries go, the storage of nuclear waste isn't immediately spewing gases and chemicals into the airs and waters, so how truly harmful is it? WE DON'T REALLY KNOW, DO WE?



TO MY LITTLE ANONYMOUS COMMENTER WHO LEFT ME THE LINK TO THE LIGHTHOUSE'S TALE....WHY DO YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS SO? Don't you know how much I love that song???? Hmmm???? Don't you???? Here you go everyone, find out why I love this song so much::::

Filmed in Maine BTTTdubs.

Love you my anonymous commenter!!! keep being anonymous and mysterious and shit!! (i WILL discover the truth someday........SOMEDAY!!!)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Back again? So soon?! It's clear why! (Election, hammock, QU3)

Wow there are so many things to discuss. First of all everyone, this:

That's a hammock that I'm in hahaha a hammock everyone!!! Let it sink in. We have one. Those are christmas lights next to me. There's also a calendar there, if you want me to identify everything, but calendars are irrelevant. 

Again, i did the thing where I post and then I get distracted and come back a few days later. I guess that's an The Oasis thing. Whatevs, it's chill, we have a lot to discuss today, lets get on our thinking pants and get going okay?!?!

(Thank the lordy lord I decided to put a relevant title up for once, so I can access it now to know what to talk about!! Wow life is great sometimes isn't it folks)


  • How did I not know that that was on the ballot in THREE states?!
  • How didn't EVERYONE know?
  • Is it a sign of the apocalypse that things are finally changing? That we finally, are you serious, as a voting public, legalized same sex marriage in three states? Including MINE?! And we legalized WEED? Like we didn't decriminalize it, we didn't legalize it for medical purposes only, it was legalized for RECREATIONAL PURPOSES. IN AMERICA. HERE. AMERICA. Not HERE here (Oh how I wish it was here!!) but here ENOUGH. My mind is boggled. We were screaming that night, my roommate and I!! Delirious with happiness and pride!!
  • I was told the term marijuana was applied to the plant in like the 20s or some shit as a way to make it sound illicit, like something you mutter under your breath, "marijuana", and it TOTALLY makes sense, so I'm gonna call it cannabis for until I remember which will be never because it's weed but.....STILL

Okay so congratulations America seriously you have done WELL this election. Perhaps we should..................



It's freezing cold here you guys. It's so freezing cold I have to wear leggings under all my pants unless I'm wearing my fleecy cupcake pajama pants. And for some BIZARRE reason, if I pair those with a black long sleeve t and my knitted vest from Nonna and my bitchin raggae shawl, people think I look awesome, even though it's like wow I'm literally only dressing for the weather, but thank you very much!!!

God I love mika WOW. My room is totally enveloped in twinkly lights it's awesome :-) :-) 

That's only one bit of it. Oh, you wanna see more? Oh yeah lemme think about it uhh how about NO. Haha not now kids seriously, you need to be patient you can't eat your entire birthday cake in one bite. No, you savor it. Over time. Centuries, even. 

Oh my god but back to the cold ladies and gentlemen the cold!!! It is absolutely brutal!! When hurricane sandy came a week ago she brought a gust of warm weather it was literally 70 degrees here a week ago. Today it has been FREEZING RAIN ALL DAY AND THERE IS ALSO AN INCH OF SNOW. That's cute and shit except for when you're walking through it every time you need food and or class and or employment and then it gets old QUITE RAPIDLY.

Okay there are still more things i have yet to say - can you believe that? Because I'd like to share with you a quote that I read from the most fascinating book evvvahhhhh, I got it out of the library when I had to do research on Alfred Kinsey for my LGBT class aaaaaand it's a great big study on male and female sexuality and desires and psychologies and well without much further ado, here's the quote

"Paranormals are the cream cheese sushi of the female sexual brain"
~ A Billion Wicked Thoughts

And out of all the things that I read in this book that made me go "Ahhh I see" and "YES, THAT IS IT EXACTLY!", this one was the strongest!! You are damn fuckin right paranormals are the cream cheese fucking sushi of my brain!!

I mean this book describes how your turnons and fetishes and desires are pretty much molded during puberty and adolescence. So hence, therefore, quence and bequeth, (those last two should definitely be added to Webster's sometime between pronto and NOW) my desires were molded roughly during the time I devoured the Twilight series over one February vacation. I mean, okay not to say that I like, suddenly went through puberty during that one week lol but to say that Twilight actually is porn for girls. Because porn, in the sense of naked women and lots of obscene body parts and little plot, is what gets men going. But romance, in the sense of descriptions and emotions and a handsome strong Alpha male who's infatuated with the average but pretty female is what gets women going. So add in the paranormal factor, and the mystery, sexiness, protection, aggression and obsession that follow suit and boom you have twilight and boom you also have transformed thousands of little girls into young women who secretly want to be ABDUCTED BY VAMPIRES.

OH The Oasis, how you do tempt me!!!

Cream cheese sushi though, really, what a fucking spot on description.

I have still OTHER things to say, but I will save them for another time, for my position is uncomfortable at the moment and I wish to change activities. Enjoy whatever it is that you should be enjoying right now, but enjoy it! :-) 


No, no you have no idea how awesome it is to check this blog and see a new comment almost immediately every time I post a new post. You, whoever you are, are the greatest person ever (besides me of course). But you get what I'm saying. Keep up the good work soldier you are delightful and I love you. And I wonder about your identity every day!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


And my uglies!!! But I greet my pretties first because they are superior, you know. Anyway.


Wow, calm down caps lock. First of all, stop screaming. Second of all, I have to do an interpretive translation of Dao De Jing for Honors tomorrow and technically other shit (like reading, but that's what I call "shit" as in "NOOOOOOO NOT MOOOOOOREEEEE NOOOO" because rather than accept my responsibilities, I whine. Because honestly, the alternative is just boring) but I am HERE INSTEAD.

Why? Oh, because I love you, I guess that's why.

Also, to tell you that you should definitely VOTE THE POLLL C'AHHHHHH'MAHHHHHNNNNNNNNNN. You should.

Oh okay and furthermore and also, sorry about the recent lack of pictures in posts. Well I guess before that I should say, sorry for the fucking lack of posts.

Hi.......I wrote the preceding a week ago, but then i got distracted, but now I'm back. I remember what distracted me too - I was trying to take a picture of myself to make up for the lack of pictures (and because I could honestly not think of anything half as beautiful as myself, feel free to leave any suggestions if you can think of any but I will be surprised if you can)

Anyway, let's put a picture up now AND I WON'T GET DISTRACTED AND RUN AWAY THIS TIME!!!!

Cool Effect!!!! My photobooth is a ridiculous asshole and i have to do stupid things to get those effects to work. I'm not even going to get into it -I'm not. I'm listening to Mika and I've got better things to do with my typing fingers than describe to you the fucking PROCESS i must go through to delight you with funkadelic photos of myself. But it's just so you know....that I do it...for enough of this "I think this blog is never coming back" bullshit, try IT'S NEVER GONNA LEAVE.



God, will you please for the love of god blast this song right now? It's even better in earphones.


I still haven't told you why I've been avoiding pictures. It's because I don't want to get bogus views on this website anymore from google images - people searching for the photos that I steal from google and include in my posts. You know, stop SOPA and all that shit. Whatever. I dont know. Point is, unless absolutely necessary, I'm probabbssslies gonna avoid the pictures now unless they're my own, or I take a screenshot of them, making them my own file instead of a link that people.....nevermind. I don't care to explain this to you imbeciles. Point is, we all benefit cuz any photos will hopefully be photos of me. Gosh, let's stop tantalizing ourselves and just put up another one.

Cool. Kaleidiscope effect. That word is stupid to spell. Any word with a red squiggly line under it is stupid to spell.

So what's the point of today's post? Not much. There's not really a point. Just to show you that I'm alive and I love you. My mom is texting now and I just received a completely independent text from her....written in was the cutest thing since um PUPPIES WERE INVENTED. No, since LEILA WAS BORN.

Awww, this is what I was looking for!! Well not specifically, but this is a great photo of Leila. What a pup omg. Omg I need to wipe my tears.


Well, I dun went and got distracted, but we both got good ends of the deal: I got to blurble for as long as I pleased, and you got to read all of it. I will be back my loves I FUCKING PROMISE, I have lots of shit to do this week and or next week though I think....I don't really know.....I should be studying right now....I'm gonna leave and continue to avoid my duties. Love you!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you're enjoying The Oasis

Monday, October 22, 2012

I don't have much time folks so let's make this quick....

First of all, EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!

I mean, don't have such high expectations of me, JEEZE!!

Seriously though my loves, I honestly never ever will forget about you!! Or this!! Nor will it ever end! (I hope.) But you see, college is really college-y. You know that thing that's like "Welcome to college: Choose two" and your options are "sleep, social life, and grades" ? Well that thing is fucking LEGIT. I've been trying to squeeze in all three for the past few weeks for the first time in my life, because I never really cared about a social life but it's COLLEGE MAN, YOU KNOW? college. people. doing your own laundry. excessive grilled cheeses, etc.

ANNYYYWAYYYY,,,,, that leaves approximately negative time to update this blog, not because I don't want to but because there are literally not enough hours in the day. Seriously! Between classes and work - I work at one of the cafeteria places and I have to be there - WHY AM I TELLING YOU ABOUT THIS STUPID BORING POINTLESS SHIT I HAVE THE FUNNIEST STORY EVERRRRR!!!!!!

hahahahahahahahaha. Anyway, the gist of all of that is that I'm fucking busy okay, and I just switched roommates so I'm living with an awesome chick now, so there's even less of a desire to blog cuz I'm always...chillin. Or doing shit. And now you see the conundrum that is my life. But i'm making FABULOUS time on this post right now, I keep checking the clock like every fifteen seconds almost....well no but it seems like I don't look for ten minutes and I look and only three have gone by! Fuckin fantastic!! But I digress.

Because the story.

The reason we're all here today.

Hahahahaha. I was visiting a friend um...Saturday night? Yeah, so it's like 1 AM. So we go into his building and we're waiting for the it comes, we can hear voices, and I would personally have rather just taken the stairs, but he insisted, so we waited, we fucking waited for the elevator doors to open.....

and there are three girls.....

one of which is from my high school and she totally hates me for no reason! HAHAHA imagine the odds.

*Sidetrack* For background as to why she hates me, I have literally no fucking idea because there is literally NO FUCKING REASON lol. I had a few classes with her in high school and actually thought she was okay and we got along absolutely fine but all of a sudden I see her here at one of the dining halls the first weekend we were up, and I'm like "Hi ----------" and she gives me a REVOLTING look and says "hi." and walks away. So then I asked my friend about it and he was like "Yeah she hates you, no I don't know why." least it's rational and shit. Because everyone knows there is even  A RATIONAL REASON WHY ONE COULD POSSIBLY HATE ME. (Hint: there isn't)

Back to the story.  So the elevator opens. She stares at us like she's pissed that I'm breathing. The doors start closing - the kid I'm with STICKS HIS HAND IN THE DOOR AND FORCES THEM OPEN. We get in the elevator. He's oblivious to the situation.

So he's just making casual chatter as he hits the second floor and he's like "what floor do you guys need" 

and Little Miss --------- sneers "the basement but it really doesn't matter"

And all I could do was just STAND THERE AND FEEL HER HATRED OOOOOOOOOZE OUT OF HER PORES at me and then the doors finally ding open on the second floor and he's like "well have a good night" and they're like "yeah have a good night"

and then as we turn the corner...

.........she screams "NOT!! HOPE YOUR NIGHT IS HORRIBLE!!" 




Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Now I'll admit everyone, I was shook up (Shook up? Is that a word? Is it something else? Whatever) when it first happened, but now I just think it's quite my favorite college story yet!!! That kind of potent.....anger and nastiness at someone for no reason is's funny to me  because I don't understand it, and , well, this

(since i was too subtle for my own good, i'll give you guys a hint: this song is a helpful clue as to who this mystery person is. see if your super sleuthing skills are super sleuthy enough to figure it out)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Guess what guys and gals? Sober post today. Why? Why would i ever do that to not only you, but MYSELF? I'm just gonna....I'm just....there's gonna be a lot of pictures in today's post. Here's why:

Yeah that's....that's a ticket. And it fucking sucks in all the most obscene ways that things can suck. I guess this would be my opportunity to talk about it, but I really don't want to talk about it yet because I'm feeling overwhelmed a native from Jupiter just plopping down to the University of Maine with a major in history and no more herbal inspiration and a roommate that....well we'll get to that. We're not there yet. But I just feel like I'm from fucking Jupiter here, that's all.

It's so hard because I know I'm not the only one who feels this way okay, I know because anyone I tell is like "Awww but you're not the only one who feels that way don't worry!"

Well yes, you're right, there are others. But GUESS THE FUCK WHAT. The exact reason we feel this way is the exact reason why none of us will ever get together. There's no community club for the "Socially awkward and unfriendly and homesick". No, and even if there were, no one would fucking go because we're all SOCIALLY AWKWARD AND UNFRIENDLY AND HOMESICK AND WOULD RATHER SIT IN OUR DORMS AND CRY. OR SOMETHING. Does it help that my uterus lining is shedding? No, no it doesn't help the situation at all. Fucking uterus linings SUCK. They suck almost as much as COLLEGE but I would rather go through and I think I'm serious about this (But I'm not quite sure) but I THINK I would rather go through an ENDLESS SIX MONTH PERIOD than go through 4 years of this miserable existence.

It's like...I realize that I'm overwhelmed because it's only the second week and I'm still adjusting to the massive workload -

Sidetrack....wanna talk about massive workload? Because I DON'T, but I WILL say that the reading I have to do for my "Environmental Justice Movement in the US" is well, well we talked about torture in my philosophy class and whether its ever morally acceptable, and let me just say that my reading for the aforementioned class is TORTURE and it is by NO means morally acceptable!!! Like, not only is it an online PDF so I have to stare at a screen for 4 hours (and don't even tell me to print it, because like fuck that and also, I don't feel like it and also, that would lesson my ability to whine about it) but it is LEGAL JARGON THAT MAKES SENSE TO APPROXIMATELY 4 PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY, AND ONE OF THEM IS OBAMA SO HE DOESN'T COUNT CUZ HE'S THE PRESIDENT. Sorry I'm not the fucking president!! Sorry that the reading is so boring that I fell asleep in BROAD DAYLIGHT AFTER A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP while trying to complete it. Okay? SORRY.

Man I sound awfully hormonal I think hahaha and I'm completely okay with it because like I said earlier FUCK UTERUS LININGS SERIOUSLY.

Ehem. Let me continue.

So then there's my LGBT class. Which is interesting and all, but it's a little scary that participation is worth 30% of your grade and while yes there are usually a couple things I'd like to say in class, it's a little difficult to talk because I'm just a straight little white girl from a small town in southern Maine. I get the impression that everyone hates me and I swear it's not just me because we do this check in thing where we all say our names and then whatever we'd like to share. Well what I shared today was that "I'm Becca and I'm really excited because my best friend is coming up to visit me this week!" I expected at least a FEW Aww's from the class, but the ONLY reaction came from the girl in the class that I'm already friends with. Then, like a slap to my face, the next person says they're getting a kitten this week and THE ENTIRE CLASS COOS. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. I'M PRETTY SURE BEST FRIENDS VISITING OVERWHELMED FRESHMEN IS A LITTLE MORE "AWW" WORTHY THAN A STUPID BABY CAT. Meanwhile, there's the handful of actual LGBT community members in that class and yes that's great and all and I don't have a problem with them except for one....Yes, I get that you're lesbian and you KNOW EVERYTHING AND ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS ENTIRE SUBJECT, BUT THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TAKING THIS CLASS IF YOU ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING? You don't see me repeating fucking third grade do you?!  It's just so hard to talk in that class because I feel like anything I say will be slightly indelicate or politically incorrect or just stupid and then everyone's gonna be like AGHHHHHHH I HATE YOU. Or something. I don't know. I'd come up with something more creative if I was HIGH, BUT I'M NOT, BECAUSE OF THE TICKET, BECAUSE FUCK RA'S.

Oh, and on that note, I talked to student legal services the other day and apparently, I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO ANSWER THE DOOR THAT FAITHFUL NIGHT THAT THE COP KNOCKED. I could have pretended I didn't hear it, or said I was indecent and had no idea what the smell was. But again, I don't want to talk about that yet because it still gives me too much anxiety. I'd rather complain about things I can't control than discuss the one thing I could have controlled but didn't. Because I'm responsible and shit.

Okay, I think I've had enough of complaining about my classes because that also gives me anxiety. Time to vent about my roomie.

I'm going to preface by saying that she's very pleasant and she's a good roomie I guess in the sense that like, she can shut up if I'm doing homework and gave me this vix stick thing when I got a cold but... I'm going to make a bulleted list.

  • She and her friends don't like adding "g's" to the ends of words such as "muddin(g)" "talkin(g)" "walkin(g)" etc because they feel too "proper" when they do that. I mean, not to judge them or anything but oh hahahahaha that was so funny Becca, as if you're not judging them, oh hahahaha what a funny joke that was. OF COURSE I'M FUCKING JUDGING YOU YOU HICKS. I PRONUNCIATE (spell check is telling me that's not a word but I'd like to think otherwise) THE SHIT OUT OF MY WORDS AND I....I look down on you for not. Yup. I do. Admitting it and proud.
  • Whenever she tells me things that are like, shocking or that "suck" or that I'm supposed to react to know what, fuck this bullets thing, I'm gonna use pictures right now. Here's a simulation.

Her: "I had to go to the health center today and wait for TWO HOURS"

Pictured: I swear, this is no exaggeration, but this is what she does with her face after statements like that. More examples to follow. By the way, this is an actual conversation she had with me today. I like, didn't give even a particle of a shit.

Her: "And like, no one was even THERE"

Her: "And then they told me I have to drive to OLD TOWN to get my prescription"


Some might say, hey Becca, shouldn't you watch it in case she reads your blog? And to those some, I would guffaw in their face and then ask them to go get me one of those

these things

To stuff in her face hole. Because like, why are you opening your mouth you silly girl? How many bugs have you ingested that way? How many birds have shit in your mouth? Are you really gonna tell me the answer to both of those is zero? If that's the case, I really hope that changes.

So....I mean, not all things are so dark. I made a friend on my floor who I met because she asked to look at my hemp bracelets (I had a sign on my door) and well, she's into hemp bracelets and wears tie dye so YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. Thank God for her but still. I miss home and literally everything that home represents. I'm tired of grilled cheeses being the only thing I can fathom eating. I miss like, variety and like, home cooked meals and also, people that I like. Because meeting people is so exhausting. You have to like, pretend that you're sociable and nice for like the first SEVERAL meetings, and that's so bogus. Also, what do I have to share? Hi, my name's Becca and I have a $400 ticket I have to pay because I'm a dumb fuck and literally while everyone around me is underage drinking, I take ONE HIT IN MY ROOM BY MYSELF, AND I'M THE ONE WHO HAS TO PAY THE STATE SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS. RIGHT. JUSTICE. YEAH. LOVE IT.

Well I hope the rest of you are having a better week than I am. Thank God almighty Elizabeth is coming up to visit me <3 <3. Counting down the days til colombo day weekend. I just wanna poop in a solitary bathroom, ya know what I mean? Damn.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh fuck yeah I'm in college

And I'm blogging. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!!!


I pulled it off bitches. I pulled it off. And i'm not going to act like I'm not sketching out MAD BAD right now....cuz I am. But here's the thing: I'm a success. I took that picture for several reasons though, because that photo actually represents NUMEROUS things.

1) There's my blonde hair bitches!!! I told you!!!! I told you did i not!!!! It is awesome and fun and I love it and I did it because I want to fit in more


3) Um just ignore the neck tattoo it's not a thing

4) Also, you can see, if you look closely, by the way my mouth is grinning and my eyes are guinting (my hot off the press invented word, a combination of squinting and grinning, pronounced gwinting but obviously we can't spell it that way because then we'd just look like amateurs) that I am a success in all the ways that the banner of my blog represents, namely gettin hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh offff daaaatttttttttt....oregano. It's definitely just oregano.


I'm just so excited I pulled it off. Oh wait there's more.

5) Also, my laptop is...well I'm not going to jinx it so I'M GONNA LEAVE IT AT THAT. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

6) God can I just ramble on once again about how much of a success I am?!?! Because I'm also hooked up online!!!!!!! with A WIRE. I'M ON WIRED INTERNET. AND IT FEELS AWESOME. BECAUSE GUESS HOW THE FUCK I GOT THE WIRE YOU GUYS. HUH? GUESS.

I was LOST looking for Cole and Jason (hi guys!) at the Union and well I couldn't find the Union so I literally explored all over campus and in the farthest reaches I found a little mini tent sale and so I decided to take advantage of my opportunities and buy myself a sweatshirt with the name of my school (Just so you know I just went and did my thang again, I'll explain that in a second, God I'm shaking I'm so awesome!!! And sketching!! But also awesome!!!). So I go and make a purchase and then they're like oh by the way THIS IS FREE and they're pointing to FOLDERS and BAGGIES WITH LOTION AND A RAZOR and INTERNET AND CABLE CABLES and I grabbed one of everything and it was beautiful!!!! So now I have a reliable internet connection instead of shitty spotty wireless and I didn't even THINK to bring an internet cable and I didn't even have to go 24 hours WITHOUT ONE ANYWAY!!! Okay, so what else?!?!

Ah yes, the reason we're all here today. After all, how am I here today? Isn't it kind of difficult and also, come on, FUCKING STUPID, to try smoking in your own dorm?

Well yes. Yes.

IF YOU'RE NOT MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Here's what it's called. It's called take about four paper towels and drench them in your favorite febreze (aka lavender vanilla & comfort) and if you have an empty paper towel tube, FANTASTIC. If you are not such a rich person who has everything AND the kitchen sink on their hands, then a full paper towel roll is fine, just make sure you really insert your lips into the tube. And stuff the tube with those four febreze-drenched paper towels. Did I say that already?

Great. Now stuff your extra sheet on the floor in front of the door crack because stuffing your towel there would be gross. Oh and it's okay to use the sheets because in your case they're not the right size anyway so it's whatevs.

OOMMGGG ALL MY LIFE BY MY FAVE BAND EVVAHH NIZLOPI IS PLAYING RIGHT NOW. I mean of course it is, I selected it, but that's how much I love it. I'M STILL SO EXCITED!!!! EEEE!!!! I'm also decently high after I've been starved both of marijuana and fucking FOOD for the past 24 hours.

Do you want to know what I've eaten? I don't care to recount it, because it's dumb and stupid and not that exciting. Though I did have a cup of clam chowdah earlier, thank God for that. I keep being really sure to capitalize God for some reason today....I'm not sure why!!! 

Anyway, food here sucks cuz I'm a spoiled bitch and I'm used to my parents home cooking a dinner every night, and I'm happy to admit that. Sorry I didn't grow up eating Mountain Dew Popsicles and ketchup dipped in frozen mystery meats my whole life. Anyway, back to how to pull this off.


And then when you sketch out big time cuz you hear doors slam, just spray a shit ton of febreze and lysol. And then tell everyone your secrets.

Haha I mean, I'll try not to get too cocky you guys but......well, I don't want to get too cocky, so I won't. I'm also lucking out cuz my roomie is out at a concert. That's sweet. MOVING ON.


Such as.....

Who are you mystery commenter?! Are you the one who yelled at me for having the same post up for a month?? If not,,,,,, if so,,,,,,,,, (those comma ellipses are intentional, because it's like a .... but it's a comma....I think you get what I mean but if you don't, ya don't. Moving on.)

I bet the mystery commenter knew what I meant though, didn't you?! Unless you "can't process that through your brain right now" ;)

Anyway, thanks for commenting. You dah best. And all you dah best too. Don't keep encouraging me.......this is bad, oh so bad.....

BUT ZAT IS WHYYYYY I LIIIIIIKEEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was me last night trying to lull myself to sleep with funny online articles. And also trying to see if taking a picture at night would work with Photobooth (It does)

I love you all unless I actually hate you then I'm sorry but I hate you

(Not sorry)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Because I love you....I love the time we spend together....I haven't been able to be around much this summer because I've been smoking with my sister instead of alone, to be perfectly and completely frank....or Frank? Or Henry? I'm gonna be completely Henry right now and tell you that the reason I haven't blogged much this summer is I've been smizzy smoking with my sizzy sister!! I already told you that though, but I called it Henry this time so it's different.

ANYWAY OH MY GOD YOU GUYS DON'T LET ME GO OFFTOPIC LIKE THAT AGAIN JEEZ SERIOUSLY keep me on a leash. Okay anyway, I find the need to ask for your forgiveness because at least ONE of you has actually missed me!!! I know because I saw that grumpy little comment you left me about how you're mad I haven't had more bliggity blog posts this summer! (I'm going to apologize right now for the "iggity" thing I've done already done THREE times....I'm not going to stop doing it or anything I just figured I might as well apologize to those of you that it annoys/offends.) See here's where it gets fun now though. Oh I'll do a new paragraph because blocks of texts are no fun but like, same topic and stuff. Not that any of that matters as the youth these days don't even KNOW WHAT PARAGRAPHS ARE AM I RIGHT FOLKS

                                          ~*~*~*Imagine picture of senior citizens inserted here~*~*~*~*~*~*~

But I dont think the youth read my blog. I'm talking young  youth, like 10 year olds, cuz those are the ones that will never know what paragraphs are because of all the TABLETS AND IPHONES. Okay forgive me I've been seeing Mr. Anton at work every day for the past three months but like he's kind of right. oh my dear lord, ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Anyway, wouldn't you like to know the reason why I didn't actually insert a picture of senior citizens? Or why I didn't include a screenshot of the comment that I mentioned earlier? It's a funny story, really. And it has to do with my computer. WHO KNEW. REALLY., WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED?? I BET PROBABLY ZERO PEOPLE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THAT.

Anyway, it's not even a good story because I didn't even do anything funny or fun or dumb or reckless to DESERVE THIS. No, my laptop trackpad just up and de3cided to start being a fucking piece of shit a couple weeks ago and EVERY SO OFTEN goes COMPLETELY BERSERK and just moves on its own accord and doesn't consistently listen to my finger and will click and right click and select and zoom on things randomly and it's ummm what's the word for it.....THE WORST THING THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN TO A PERSON EVER UMMM....EVER.

Okay let's back up for a second. That was a clear hyperbole. (right? does that qualify as one? again I feel like most of my readers probably don't know or care but then again.....a lot of you cookies are pretty smart too so.....feel free to just lemme know). Um anyway, obviously it's not the worst thing ever and if I just have to like use a mouse now or get some kind of cheap repair (I'm talking like 50 bucks or less) or some shit then fine, no worries. But if it's literally EVEN SLIGHTLY WORSE, I WILL DRESS MJYSELF IN A NEON GREEN LYCRA SUIT (just a heads up i do not know what lycra is) AND POUR UM OH I KNOW I WILL POUR RANCID P. COVE POND WATER ALL OVER MYSELF AND use this as my guise to keep people from getting close to me and as soon as I can isolate somjeone from their mac laptop I will so totessss steal it. Probably contain it in a bag of rice to prevent the rancid pond juice from contaminating it, because 1) rice is a godsend and 2)pond juice is really horrible. It doesn't even qualify as water that's why I'm calling it juice.

Alright see this entry is going to be as long as like 5 entries anyway so y'all can just sit tight cuz I still have a BUNCH of other shit to say so, once again (because I know I've said this before) we all win!!

Okay back to the story. So I have to like turn my laptop off and leave it off for a good long time before I can turn it on again and use it without a problem until the trackpad decides to start being a piece of shit which is literally WHENEVER IT WANTS TO. I say piece of shit because it's as helpful as an actual little shit would be in place of a trackpad on a laptop since it does NOTHING FOR ME and renders my computer COMPLETELY USELESS. So really perfect timing in general seeing as I'm only going to college in oh TWO FUCKING DAYS but actually that doesn't even need to be sarcastic because it almost is good timing....seeing as campus has "computer connection" or some kind of computery thing so I'm not really too concerned but it just sucks cuz I didn't even DESERVE IT THIS TIME. Usually I totally deserve it. It's like a serial kidnapper getting pulled in for questioning for a victim HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW EXISTED. But oh, he wishes he did!

So....I hope that clears up....

Well I had a lot of other things to say cuz I was gonna complain about customers (Like the ones who turn the doorknob when you're in the bathroom and then discover it's clearly locked....and then shake it again.....and then's like I AM SHITTING OR MAYBE IF YOU'RE LUCKY I'M PEEING BUT I HOPE FOR YOUR SAKE I'M SHITTING SO IT SMELLS IN HERE YOU HORRIBLE HORRIBLE PERSON, LEAVE ME BE IN MY ONLY COMPLETELY ISOLATED PLACE AT WORK) but I mean that's really all there is to say about them right there I guess.

And I guess there were people - oh who am I kidding "people" it's really just one very particular person - who managed to confuse and piss me off a little bit - oh who am I kidding "a little bit" how bout A WHOLE FUCKING LOT -  but here I am sitting in the sun on the laptop that my sistah graciously let me use, and it's perfectly toasty without being one degree too hot (the weather, not the laptop but that too I guess), and I'm going to go be en route to THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE in 48 hours where there are I think a good few thousand other boys (oh did you predict that? I bet probably no one predicted it was a boy that I was talking about) up there and I'm going to be generous and say probably like 8% of them or so are attractive!!! Then again, my estimations might be a little skewed since I've been subjected to the customers of a mini golf course all summer, and 95% of those tend to be like completely void of potential to be attractive anyway, in the sense that they're senior citizens or 12 year olds or families or Canadian. And then the 5% who have the  potential to be attractive, in the sense that they're the right age group, are just usually ya know, not.

My point is that I'm not going to waste anyone's time writing about and forcing you to read about a dumb boy who is dumb and also stupid and also really just dumb in general I mean let's put it this way who would squander potential opportunities to spend time with the human embodiment of perfection aka me. Maybe he just didn't get the memo and that's okay because I'm peacing in two days and I'm even peacing in a BOLD way aka I NOW HAVE BLONDE HAIR. lie??? Truth?!?! WE SHALL SEE!!!

(it's the truth. it's awesome. I'm awesome. you're awesome too cuz you're reading this. We're all awesome. Pick up some litter today or some shit)

SEE YOU GUYS IN COLLEGE except i'm not sure how i'll be managing this blogalog up there but i guess we're about to find out!!! Yeehaw!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hey you know what I hate?

I hate when people project their own fucked up problems from whatever the fuck life handed them and unintentionally force others to deal with that shit. Don't give me your shit. I've got enough of my own shit to fucking juggle thank you very much.

And can I say that I've juggled it pretty fucking well? I'd say that I have. I'd say that considering the fact that no one has any idea what it is that I'm really juggling, or have juggled in the past, is evidence enough that I deal with my problems directly instead of dumping them on other people and forcing them to deal with the consequences/clean up the mess.

Do you want me to be more specific? Because maybe it's frustrating that I'm being so fucking vague? I'll tell you what I hate in partiiiiiiiicular. I can't stand when well, when boys fucking break up with their little stupid girlfriends (I'm picturing, literally, little and stupid girlfriends. Join me in the imagination. Little stupid ones. God don't you hate those) and then aren't fucking OVER THEM and then (Oh God I'm getting awfully specific aren't I) come and get with ME and then backtrack and go "OH SORRY SORRY YOU'RE AWESOME YOU'RE GREAT YOU'RE AMAZING BUT BUT BUT I JUST GOT OVER THIS RELATIONSHIP AND I CAN'T GET INTO THIS RELATIONSHIP AND THIS GIRL BETRAYED ME NEARLY A FUCKING YEAR AGO AND I'M STILL NOT GODDAMN OVER IT).

Still? Really? Cuz here's the thing. That sucks. And stuff. I guess I don't really understand, cuz I don't. But then again, not a lot of other people understand what it's like to have the first person you ever have feelings for just up and literally leave the state suddenly one morning after only one month and then hearing that he has a girlfriend (whom he is dating because he allegedly KNOCKED HER UP) after he told you he can't be in a relationship because he's like, you know, obviously, still not over his ex and stuff.

You know what? Fuck exes. They're your fucking exes. That's what I say. I'm sorry. I have really no more patience for this shit. I don't know if I'm going to publish this post but I might, I might just bank on the fact that I don't think anyone checks this blog very much and um if they do well these are my thoughts and I guess I'm not gonna apologize for them anyway where was I?

Oh yeah. Fuck exes! Holy shit, it didn't WORK OUT, remember how the bads OUTWEIGHED THE GOODS? CAN YOU REMEMBER THAT? Can you now just I don't know, cut it out or something? Can you stop saying "I can't, I'm not over her yet" and maybe realize "If I don't, I'll never get over her" ??

I know....I know it's a bizarre concept. That sometimes you just need to....let it go. Or just cry. I don't fucking know. But stop pulling me into this shit!

And you know, I could easily get into the bizarre twisted sexism that creates men can just get fucked over so much harder by relationships because many lack the ability to talk it out while women are known for their ability to "bitch" and are more accepted if they let their emotions out and so, the pattern seems, are much better off after breakups than their male counterparts.

But we won't get into that. Why? Cuz I just got into it. And I don't wanna get into it anymore.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hi Everyone! Becca Here!

Go ahead. Go ahead and click play. Only if you want to hear the most awesome noises for the next three minutes or so. If you want to listen to stupid, inferior, way less awesome noises than by all means just ignore that video entirely.

Okay, those of you who clicked play, I like you. Those of you who didn't (if there are any of you left at this point)...I...sort of admire you! You put up with my guilt pestering for like five sentences and that's a lot of sentences. Are you just an ass-wipe type of person in general or did you decide not to click for a legitimate reason - for example, music already playing or a baby sleeping in the room or a serial killer is hiding in the bucket where you keep your pajamas....but you wouldn't know that would you. And yes, a bucket. Okay moving on.

I don't really care about the song anymore, but I feel like that's only cuz I'm not listening haha. Hold on, I'll click play again!!

Yup. There it goes bouncin around in my ears again. Sorry, that was a long intermission, not that you noticed, but I had to go downstairs and light some candle for my mom's aunt who(m?!) she loved very much and then I brought my self some - welcome to the THUG LIFEEEE - piña colada seltzer. It's quite a taste, it's not that good, but it IS piña colada-esque. And it' quite a taste.

Anyway, I had a reason for coming on here and luckily I just remembered it! Guess this has been on my mind for a while!!


I'm sorry but like it's either a stupid dumb song that's on the radio all the time so the fact that you're quoting it is embarrassing enough as it is, or it's some song that of course only YOU FUCKING KNOW (or maybe possibly also whoever the piccy is targeted at, if it's targeted at anyone). But either what?....?.....?........

What does that even mean to have a picture of yourself with "And off we go/ Into stars and universes/ One as we leap from pod to pod/ All together now" Idk, some weird shit like that, I know you know what I'm talking about. All those random indie songsies and even if you half know them, sometimes when you read lyrics you're like "wait...what is that?". Is that like how you feel or something? Then like why is it that at least AT THE VERY LEAST 50% of the time, you have a great big pretty smile in the picture and the lyrics are all "weh weh wehh something gloomy and kind of depressing but like I don't know". I don't know. I don't. And I just...well I plum don't understand it. And I also think what it is is DOWNRIGHT SILLY.  That's all. That's all for today.

I hope you're all having a marvelous summer. I am having a supercalifragilistically marvelous summer. And I have a BOOK ABOUT FAIRIES THAT I'M READING. Not a fad young adult book mind you - AN ADULT ONE. Y'all can talk about your accomplishments and awesome moments so far and I don't even cayuhhhhhhh cuz I got a book on fairies so I win everything. Everything is a competition.

That's what I'd like to end on. Everything's a competition.

I wanted to, but I just couldn't do it. Too psycho hahahaha but it would have been funny! For that reason I'll make this bit a smaller print. Anyway, love ya!! *smooch*

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Am I a bad person? Yes.

Do I apologize for it? It depends the situation and context. Am I a bad person for neglecting this blog for over a month? Of course. I am not quite in the league of serial child rapists, but we're getting there.

Am I a bad person for what is actually, finally, after MORE THAN PLENTY opportunities in the past six weeks, motivating me to post right now? If that sentence made sense, and I feel confident that it made sense enough, the answer is yes. Yes. But I'm going to fucking post about it anyway. Cuz here's the thing....this some funny shiiet. And I don't think the person I'm making fun of frequents my blog....or even knows it exists....and I'd like it to stay that way....Moving on........


Does that look like a screenshot from like a pretend bad greeting card or some shit? Yes. Is that actually a screenshot of one of my facebook "friend"'s phones from a note her "fiance" left her? Yes.

Now listen here. I already acknowledged that I'm a bad person for posting about this to make fun of it and giggle about it. I've embraced that and moved on and all I ask is for you to do the same. Someone, you guys, someone took their "fiance"'s phone and tried to fucking write out a heartfelt message and...this is what came out. And, okay, I get it, not everyone has quite as a way with words as for example MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, but..... I laughed! Out loud! That's all! It's okay, you can do the same. It's funny. Tons of luv in here, tons of it.

Ahh okay well enough of being terrible people for a little bit. Because I have to start acting like I don't know a "young adult" or something at some point and the story goes that supposedly those people are "responsible" and have "morals" or "consciences" haha kidding about the last part I have a conscience............sometimes......

But really though bitches and bitchettes, today I took my Calculus final, making it my last final of my senior year making it MY REALLY REALLY LAST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL, even though I WILL be going in tomorrow to watch our finished Spanish movie...but you and I both know that doesn't count. And our spanish movie? If you're reading this and you don't already know about it well I'm mildly surprised or stupidly underestimating the girth of my audience (hahahaha girth) but yeah, it's awesome. The spanish movie. I'd go on about it but it's 41 scenes long and....I'm not that terrible of a person.


Love this song too much, just finished playing and I love it too much.

Anyway, welcome, the rest of you, to period TWO of Clusterfuck: THE OASIS.

No there's no particular reason why it's called the oasis but I think that word sounds pretty badass if we're talking just phonetics here so we're gonna roll with it. Anyway, period TWO also known as CHAPTER 2 AKA THE OASIS  will of course center on my transition from young woman to young woman who doesn't live at home anymore muah hah ha hahaha hahahahah heheheh hehahaha huah huah huahh. Yes as I transition this summer from high school to college and then actually GO to college and do shit there and stuff, I will hopefully document all the shit in here. If not, it really only sucks to be you because I will be having all the fun. Actually it is way more likely that I will be sitting in my dorm doing homework without any "herbal" inspiration, if anything, but we're just gonna pretend YOU will be the one suffering. Ooooh 'scuse me, I do believe thissssssssss would be the song we're looking for :~) (as in a song I love too much)

Enjoy, and happy no more high school, 2012-ers :-) And to the rest of you, happy feeling pretty old :~) And to the younger ones...ew go away. Just kidding you're our future and stuff go do things byeeeeee <3 <3 <3

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Okay listen up fuckaroos

Yes do you like that nickname? Haha I love this hot/cold relationship I have with you people. Anyway, several things to discuss.

FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, SO THAT I DON'T FORGET, HOW ON EARTH IS ONE TO BALANCE AN ICE PACK ON THEIR FEET BUT WITHOUT FLEXING THEIR FEET BECAUSE THE ICE PACK IS FOR A SORE TENDON? Stupid feet tendons! What do they even do anyway! It's not like we wouldn't be perfectly fine without them or anything!!! I'm going to rip all of my tendons out tomorrow and I think it's going to do me a world of good and I suggest you do the same.

Buggering extensor brevises

Okay I think I just figured out the trick is to put your foot against the desk at such an angle that the pack can rest on yar foot. Enough about feet though. They are pains in the ARSE and all they do is smell or look ugly or like, move you from A to B. But who wants to get to B? What's the point of going to B?

Anyway, I know I failed everyone by not having a 4/20 post....the thing is, I have legitimate excuses. Let me rattle them off uno by uno.

Uno: I just got back from camping that day, and I was deliriously tired

Uno: Despite that, I DID start on a post and got a couple paragraphs in before I fucking FACT CHECKED myself and realized what I was about to ramble on about was WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Such a thing is a startling thing to happen to such a person such as me, like such as and the iraq and, some people in our nation don't have maps - er sorry got a little off track there. But no it's a funny story. You see, I was going to go on about how awkward it is to be around someone who thinks they are teaching you and they tell you something that is WRONG and you are like "Oh hmm are you sure because I thought it was (blah blah blah)" and they go "nope, no, definitely absolutely it is (blah blah blah)" and they continue and you know they're wrong but you just have to like kind of deal with it? Well yeah see I was going to talk about that until I came home and looked up the thing I thought I was so right about and I was wrong about it. So OOPSIE DOOPSIE ON MY PART, WE'RE ALL HUMAN, WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, DEAL WITH IT, CRY ME A RIVER, BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, GOT THE TSHIRT, GREW OUT OF IT THEN DONATED IT TO THE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS WHO ARE BUILDING THE FUCKING BRIDGE YOU NEED TO GET OVER RIGHT NOW.

For the record, the fact I thought was wrong was not that Courage the Cowardly Dog is purple........although I am now less adamant than before that he is pink, I guess it is up to the eye of the beholder... but if you have even a quarter of a brain this pup is pink

Well I've been watching SVU and now I have to go decide between that and Ugly Americans which is my new favey fave show but this SVU is SO INTENSE do you see how many struggles I face in my daily life? Weh weh wehhh

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Yeah this is dedicated to the uglies so if you're attractive just go ahead and stop reading right now. These words are not for your eyes.

Okay, so I'm assuming all the 6+'s just left the arena. So. You're an average and below. That must suck, huh? I mean, I wouldn't know as I'm one of the most stunning examples of a female human since Cleopatra herself (If you're wondering why Cleopatra, I counter, why not Cleofuckingpatra? She did it with Alexander THE GREAT! You go girl!! And yeah, I'm going so far to say as she's the one who did him but I totally digress)

Anyway, chin up butter faces and lumps of "acceptableness" and "just friends", look outside the window right now! Providing you live in very close proximity to me and also read this within the first few days it's posted, you are looking at a gloriously balmy spring morning. The sky is so clear you guys, it's like the kind of blue you color the sky with when you're in fourth grade it's so potent. And the sun is a swarovski crystal (because I'm not mainstream enough to say "diamond" like all you other sheeple) that I can't look at without being partially blinded. And the's the grassiest green you ever thought grass could be, honestly. Right out of a picture book. It's even dotted with exuberant dandelions, my FAVORITES because they always mean spring is here! Speaking of dandelions, you should go taste their milk sometime it's out of this world. I Promise you won't die!

And my deck is all "recently painted" and chestnutty brown and as for my pool, it's this strangely appealing opaque sea foam green color and it's because my dad is shocking it with like two gallons of chlorine a day to kill the shit out of the algae in there. Stupid algae. What's it doing in a SWIMMING pool anyway? It's not called an ALGAE pool for a reason, am I right folks?!?!?!

Thar's a picture for you visual folks. 

Anyway, figured I'd throw a bone to the loyals who still check up on me every once and a while. I never forget about you or my blog I just have lots of shit on my hands sometime and my brain power gets all sucked up doing stupid (and useless I really need to stress useless) nonsense like Physics and you know, pretty much everything else.


Just kidding, lots of things are useful actually. Like my bracelet making! Which I'm going to go do by the way, and by bracelet I mean necklace and by necklace I mean hemp, with charms from the beach like MUSSEL SHELLS AND A CRAB, YES A CRAB. Is that an advertisement? Yes. Buy this shit it's awesome. TTYL BYEEEE 

I'm aware of how terrible this picture is but in my defense I was trying to take it in the broad daylight with my computer so the screen is like completely invisible and it makes picture taking - at an ANGLE!!!! - result in prizes like this but whatever, deal with it. Buy my necklaces.

Please. If you'd like :-)