This status
"I miss soccer so much it is killing me from head to toe. I miss the feel of my cleats against turf, I miss wearing socks that go up to my knees, I miss the soccer ball forming around my foot when I kick it, I miss working so hard to get the ball that sweat drips down my face and soaks my clothes, and I miss the ache in my legs telling me that I worked hard enough to make a difference. </3"
And no, don't jump to conclusions, because I'm not at all ragging on the status, it was a comment it got in response that dropped my jaw.
Oh... Ohh....Oh what a helpful response. Like, this poor girl is letting facebook in on what her brain is going through on this first period of life without soccer, and this bitch is all like "Aw, it's okay though! Like, feel better and stuff!" Omg whaaaaaaat a fantastic response. Ugh, I've had enough of that.
It just...bothers me too much....
Okay moving on.
Well lately it's weird because all that's really on my mind is a lot of cliche stuff about senior year and realizations about growing up...stuff I know has been said a thousand times and I don't feel like rephrasing. I mean obviously there's a shit ton more stuff on my mind, but we're only discussing the small folder titled "stuff we can share with Others". You still with me?
Picture a filing cabinet. That folder is inside of one of those manilla folders there. And there are fifty of those filing cabinets in my mind. So you do the math.
Haha, anyway, here's another winner I just pulled out of that folder!! See sometimes the folder is stocked absolutely chock full and makes the drawer bulge out uncomfortably, and other times its so empty it almost has a negative volume. So now is one of those times where papers are flying in and out randomly and I have no control over anything but the one that's gripped in my hands right now.
(We're going to expand on this metaphor and embellish it throughout this blog {or maybe not, if I don't feel like it, which I probably won't} because that's just kind of my thing right now so stick with it)
Alright, let's reel ourselves back to our point here. And the point is.... CHOPPED IS AN AWESOME SHOW FOOD NETWORK!!! AN AWESOME SHOW!!!
I would do a picture of that right now, and I'm going to explain that later on. But back to Chopped...if you haven't watched an episode yet, cut the shit and watch one already. They're sometimes on all the time, and sometimes not on for a week, so go on then. Watch one.
Anyway, it's later so I guess I can explain why I didn't include a picture. That's because when I do pictures in here, they show up in google image results for searches of those images. So then I get pageviews but it's actually just fuckers out there searching for "quiet volcanic eruptions" or "baby red panda" and I don't think many of them read my blog because let's be often do you check out the website for an image you look up on google? (Lol at the accidental underline of the space between "you" and "check" haha I suck at things and life in general)
Maybe everyone here should listen to Helen by Nizlopi.
Liiiiiiike right now.
Well, that's all I have to say cubscouts. I have oodles of appreciation for every view that DOES mean a written word of mine was read, and I thank no one but YOU for it.
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Well I tried to make a face but it's really tiresome and not all that rewarding, but at least to me it looks like a vampire chicken thing with either a potbelly or cute little wings. See what you wanna see, and check out the poll shalalalaladies and gentlemen. Cast your vote today!!!
P.S. don't you just love when you're sitting there trying to think of a p.s. to write (which totally and completely violates the purpose of a p.s. but piss off) and then your Pandora station starts playing the song the station is for! For example, "Furr" by Blitzen Trapper just started playing on my "Furr" radio. It's always like, fuck yah!!! That's EXACTLY what I'm talkin' bout!!!
"Well lately it's weird because all that's really on my mind is a lot of cliche stuff about senior year and realizations about growing up"
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean.
This has been one of my favorite songs since I can remember, I think you'll like it.
What??? Are you 100% aware of my joshua radin (and specifically winter) obsession or are you 100% oblivious???? you entice me.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea, I'm glad that I'm not the only one.