and it talks about Ancient Greece and how they held elections and stuff, and if you think back to how well set up their government and architecture and mathmeticians they were so well advanced! If nothing had happened that disrupted that growth, we probably would have reached this point in technology a thousand years ago!!
Basically, if humans didn't always have to fuck things up, we would be a thousand years in the future technologically speaking. That could mean that none of us would exist then. Actually, it definitely would because the progression of technology would mean that the bubonic plague never would have spread in the 1300's. That killed like a third of the world's population at that time. There is no way you would exist if it weren't for the bubonic plague. People who died would have survived and gone on to mate with people who would otherwise have mated with other people, and the entire intricate web that holds your vast family tree together would TEAR APART.
Unless you are 100% Native-American (either north or south) or 100% Aboriginese (Australian for you know nothings) or you are 100% from the deepest parts of Africa, or a penguin, your ancestors were affected by the bubonic plague. Perhaps yours were the few lucky ones who didn't see it personally, But it ravaged Europe and 30 years before it even reached Europe it killed nearly half of the Chinese population and spread throughout Asia.
Anyway, this isn't even what I was originally thinking about. What I was thinking is that Rome and Greece and even the Ottoman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, these were all such advanced civilizations! Possibly more advanced than us in some senses! But they collapsed! Human civilizations just can't stand the test of time!
So I know I'm not the only one who looks at the world today and thinks "How are we going to keep living this way for another 200 years? 2000 years?" The waste, the stupidity, the excessiveness, the corruption, it's all going to shit! I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist, I'm just...I'm asking if you can imagine the world continuing in this manner for another 200 years without a major change or a major apocolyptic event.
So maybe the world isn't going to run out of oil or plastic or slowly dry up from global warning. Maybe a revolution is going to stir, and the civilizations alive today are going to collapse. How can they stand forever? Aren't we reaching a turning point? Everything is coming to a peak. Things can only go so well until they start disrupting the balance of everything and turn things for the worst. Sorry I couldn't think of another word for "things" but...I couldn't think of any...thing....
Anyway, I'm not saying I necessarily think this is gonna happen. I'm not secretly hoarding supplies because I think some massive revolution is going to take over the world and change the way we all live. I'm just saying maybe it's not psycho to start stocking goods up and maybe the world is headed towards a new place. And I hope I'm alive to see it if and when this happens. I do think that at some point in time, this "society" we have will collapse under its own weight and change the course of human history. Resources are being wasted, people are being abused, corruption is being allowed, and apathy is growing. But you don't need a lot of fired up people to spark a change. You just need a handful of really smart ones. And smart is spreading just as fast as dumb.
That's MY prediction for 2012. Water comes to a boiling point at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. We (and our planet) are comprised mostly of water.
Edit: I came back after posting because I'm noticing on facebook that this BULLSHIT AND ANNOYING AND FUCKING STUPID POLL THING IS CATCHING ON LIKE WILDFIRE!! And I ask you, my friends (literally, many of you reading are probably my facebook friends) why do you want to know what everyone's favorite color is? Why do you want to tell everyone else it's purple? Or that your favorite show is the Jersey Shore? Or wait, maybe your favorite show isn't in the top three most popular answers, so you click "see more" to see the top 7, and then "see more" again to see ALL ANSWERS. And you scroll down until you find whatever your stupid favorite show is.
Don't people GET IT? Facebook is MAKING A GAME OUT OF YOUR CONSUMER OPINIONS!! I sound like such a conspiracy nut. I promise you guys I will never tell you that Obama is a lizard man. Or anyone in the government for that matter. But this isn't a matter of conspiracy. This is a matter of fact. Facebook does sell your information to other companies. The reason we "like" things now rather than "become a fan" of them like we used to is because Facebook noticed that people "liked" things more than they "became a fan" of things. So rather than realizing that to "like" something is to show that you are a nice person and you read/noticed/saw/cared about whatever someone posted/gave/sent to you, they were like "NO MORE BECOME A FAN! EVERYTHING IS LIKE!!!"
So that's why that is there. And everyone can shut up about the dislike button because it's never going to happen. Google "why dislike will on facebook will never happen" and read up if you want to know why. Anyway, while Facebook started as a "social network" and is continuing to flourish as a revolution in communication, it is now a billion dollar company. And billion dollar companies like to make more and more money. And what's becoming a valuable commodity? The public opinion!!
This is going with what I was saying earlier. Society is seriously reaching the outer limits of narcissism and lack of privacy.
And there's this one last thing I was talking about yesterday. Well first, this idea came to me in the car and...well I wrote it down lemme go grab it. Here it is: I just had an epiphany in the car on the way to the mall. I read an article on today about "5 things they didn't tell us" stuff and....just read it. [] It got me thinking. Everyone grows up and gets stuck in the rut that is life. What people have to do is keep track of what makes you happy, and never stop seeking happiness. Because so what if you work 9-5 every monday thru Friday, and you have kids and a mortgage and all the mediocrity you've always dreaded...make a promise to yourself that no matter where you end up, you will always make you happy"
So thinking about how society basically has a plan that you have to follow to be okay. You can take a risk, but society reminds you that you'll probably fail. And every hippie you ever talk to will just be like "yeah the man just wants you to follow society's rules, yunno? Finish high school, graduate college, get a job, get married, have kids, have a mortgage, be fat and American. I wanna do my own thing man" And I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing or even a thing at all, but the fact of the matter is that now we have so much less freedom than humans did just a couple hundred years ago. Now you can't just stop paying your bills and wander around and build a log cabin. You can't just...get away. We gave up our privacy throughout history so we could gain more protection, but as we gain more protection we lose more freedom. Everything is so convenient and healthy and fortunate now, but we can't just do what we want can we? Everyone has the things that they love to do in their free time. Be with family, go out with friends, play video games, eat pizza, read, write. We can't just drop everything and do what we want which is a little sad because gee, who controls ourselves? Us, or Them?