Monday, April 22, 2013

If music isn't good enough just turn it up more

Case in point:

So good it would be good enough ON MUTE!!!!!!

Anyway, there have been a few things that must be updated and discussed!! Lots of people clicked on my bliggity blog which is exciting because I've forgotten what's it like to have readers! Since ya know a lot of people plopped off the bandwagon between its hayday and now. This is of course WITHSTANDING my most loyal viewers and readers (i'm not sure which one to call you. you technically also view me because I'm obsessed with myself and love documenting my beauty). 


You know this is about you, little anonymous you. You know it's always about you.....

Oh my gosh, sorry you'll appreciate this sidetrack though cuz it's just so relevant to the title I have up there i mean blast this shit and try to tell me you don't agree with me right now:

(Wait til the song above finishes, obviously. If you didn't click on that I hate you!! Of course if you hate the song you can proceed to the next one, but if you hate that song, why????? It must be so hard for you to live with wrongly-tuned eardrums. Are you unable to appreciate beautiful sights and  aromatic scents as well? Haha it's funny because I am pretending I'm always right but at the same time i also kind of believe that I really am always right! you see if you don't understand the juxtaposition of these two dichotomies (sorry I know the use of dichotomy doesn't make sense right there but you can't tell me you aren't badass if you use those two words in a sentence together....I mean even if it doesn't necessarily make "sense" it's still boss.) then you don't understand my blog. And if you can't follow along when I start sentences, get distracted in parentheses, then carry on right where I left off, then you DEFINITELY don't understand my blog. You just think I'm a blubbering bag of nonsense. Which would be correct so it's actually EVEN WORSE. Oh my god I FORGOT I WAS IN ONE GIANT PARENTHESES. THIS ISN'T EVEN WHAT I CAME HERE TO TALK ABOUT. ohhhhhhh the irony everyone!!! hahahahahahahhahaha how hilarious!!! Or is it coincidence..... jk..... kinda...... 0.o)

Well, I remember, naturally. IT WAS ABOUT THIS VIDEO:

More the song, less the video. But yes blast that song and tell me it's not fantastic! Ohhh it so is.

Oh anyway, I was talking about anonymous....
you faithful little commenter you......
I know you'e not responsible for all the anonymous comments....
But you and I both know which ones you are responsible for.....
and you're almost always there.....
chuggin along with me.....
encouraging me to keep going......
and believe me when i say....

THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN YOU BEAUTIFUL NON-IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUAL YOU!!!! I could never hate you! I recognize the power of intentional anonymity (holy shit I spelled that right on first try wow that's amazing I deserve a pat on the back actually more like a massage I mean damn where are all the free massages am I right? why don't I go to massage school. this is bullshit) and I would never hate on that. I wasn't even hating on accidental anonymity, merely poking fun at the sillies who struggle with leaving a name instead of "anonymous" because they can't figure out how to do otherwise. and even then, I wasn't being totally serious cuz I know it's actually a confusing process - that's why I was appreciating that Steph knew how to actually do it!!

Anyway, none of that made sense to anyone who didn't read those comments (because that was all about a series of comments, not a post). Hmm, must suck to not be reading all the comments on my blog. They are full of encouragements, truths, and more awesome music suggestions. And also brilliance. CARRY ON WITH YOUR SAD SAD LIVES

but do listen to this, and please continue to bear in mind the title of the post

Well we've got more updates to do. Bear with me.

If you are a good person and you have read more than one post, perhaps you stumbled across my light-hearted rant about "UBlank's Crushes&Missed Connections" [okay how eerily appropriate is it that this song started playing . okay this song isn't even about a missed connection more like a lost connection but dear lord, please stop the song I suggested before, I don't even care about it that much I'M JUST A LITTLE HIGH AND APPRECIATING ALL MY MUSIC RIGHT NOW, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LISTEN TO THAT SONG "GONE AWAY FROM ME" BY RAY LAMONTAGNE. It is both musically beautiful and lyrically tear jerking. I mean....your call I guess........]

anyway, I was called out on it once soon after I wrote that post, so all is well and my self-worth has been restored, but I feel like I am still about 10 shoutouts short of being the most attractive girl on campus, and this makes me feel ugly and fat and bad and pointless. Haha jk...

OR AM I????

I hope you're not paying any mind to me at all and you're just totally absorbed in that song anyway!!! Oooooh it's just so lovely.

Anyway, let's get back to the good stuff. (who am i kidding - it's all good)

Did i have anything else important that I had to share? Well, probably....

But do I remember.....

I have a lot of homework I should be doing right now, I suppose that is all haha fuck HOMEWORK BITES. Ergh double ergh erghie ergh.

Love you all. Thanks for sticking with me through that train-wreck of awesomeness :-)  

Happy 8,500 views :-)


  1. only listened to the first song a couple of times... well.... maybe more then a couple. :D

  2. I'm digging the anonymous love in here, and the music, the music is good too.

    Also I probably would have left a name but I'm just either too lazy or too high to do it and then I just kinda stuck with anonymous.


  3. Also I've just seen the new poll and vote that you can't post those without posting a new entry as well
