Sunday, December 23, 2012

See, the thing about assholes

these days is first of all, there are about 900 different varieties. Some are particularly ripe and unwelcome, like the one I encountered TWO NIGHTS AGO WITH ELIZABETH AT THE TATTOO SHOP. YES THAT'S RIGHT. SOMETIMES COOL PEOPLE CAN BE ASSHOLES TOO.

Yes, even tattoo artists! It is frightening, I know, to think of someone in such a laid back position being a throbbing dickwad, but it happens, let me assure you.

See, one of the ripest kinds of assholes are the kinds that insist on arguing with you on something they know jackshit about, even though you have clear reliable resources backing your reasoning.

So let me set the scene. Our friend is getting a tattoo done while me and Elizabeth and another chick (sorry, she's totally irrelevant though and will never be mentioned again, funny how some people are that way, it's okay I'm that girl too sometimes, anyway) are the only ones in the waiting room cuz like the shop is closed. And there are two tattoo artist guys.

So we're all blabbing to each other about random shit and then Elizabeth and I start going off about the documentary Tapped that we didn't know the other had seen - it's the one about bottled water and how YOU ALL NEED TO STOP BUYING/DRINKING IT IMMEDIATELY SERIOUSLY THOUGH stop being an asshole! Lol, that's another breed, the kind who will still drink bottled water after watching Tapped! You should find out if you're one of those honestly.

ANYYYYWAYYYYY, so we're going back and forth about bottled water and why it's shitty....oh and I remember why, it's because they had asked me about finals so I mentioned my environmental justice class and as always, everyone is like "der dahh dahhh wahhhht?" but like it's amazing because rather than being coherent about asking questions about that class, I feel like literally everyone turns into a drooling idiot and can't understand my quick breakdown of the basic concept (minority communities are targeted by waste industries and the likes because they are less likely to protest than affluent white communities and are therefore wayyy more impacted by pollution and shit, etc). I mean not everyone of course, but ....a lot of people!!

ANYWAYYY!!!! So I'm talking about environmental injustice, and Elizabeth and I are going off about bottled water, and I start saying how Americans need to limit our waste because we have too much impact on the world, one of the stupid tattoo artists was like "Nahh Americans don't have any power at all are you kidding me we're like owned by China, there's nothing left for us to do" as in he was COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTANDING WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT.

So I'm like "Uh right but like we're 5% of the world's population and contribute 20% of the waste" and I mention all the plastic in the pacific ocean and one fucking guy goes "I don't understand why people get so worked up about the ocean though like we've got a lot more problems than the ocean why does it matter" while the other tattoo guy brilliantly adds "I mean, I was sick all the time when I was younger but guess what I never get colds now! So like, about chemicals from the plastic and shit, I'll just develop an immunity to it so I don't think it's that much of an issue."

See these are the people who insist on priding themselves for not going to college and furthering their education - WOW CONGRATULATIONS I HAD NO IDEA THAT THAT WASN'T THE PLAN FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING IN THE UNIVERSE, WOW YOU DEFY THE ODDS OF SOCIETY DON'T YOU PAL, WHAT A FREE THINKER, - meanwhile they don't have the balls to say anything like "good for you" to anyone who does further their education, even though that's exactly what they expect to hear in return to "Yeah I am a tattoo artist and can do this for the rest of my life while other suckers are investing in an education that may or may not get them a job hahaha what absolute MORONS man I'm awesome I'm gonna go suckle some BPA-contaminated water because like, I will develop an immunity against it haha aren't you excited for me to procreate!!!"


Is it a sexism thing? Of course it is. These guys have tattoos omg! on themselves and one guy even did a drawing of a dick-tree on another dude! Wow!! I imagine several naked women have been drawn on guys who haven't seen a real naked woman (at least who looks as good as the one needled into their arm) in ages. Just a theory. Point is, some guys have a reeeeeeeeaaaaalllll issue when ladies come into their territory and start revealing information that, if not immediately rebutted, would result in them having to actually change some life habits. And fuck that because like, society man!!! Right?


Hehe have a good sunday everyone!!

P.S. my little anonymous commenter - the last song you posted is the first one I hadn't known beforehand!!!! But I did love it. You are just the sweetest thing, you really are. You probably have the least amount of asshole in your body out of all the people in the universe. In fact, how do you poop, because you have so little asshole? Just kidding, it's getting weird now hahahaha. Anyway ciao!!!!

And all of the rest of you, including the little commenter that could but obviously not limited to, LISTEN TO THISSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I feel eveerrryyyyyyyyy time I head south from the land of bunsen burners. :~)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dude so like, sorry if this is you

But that has stopped me literally never and if this is you then it's actually your fault for doing such an annoying and terrible thing should be the one apologizing.

Okay anyway I just can't stand all the fucking statuses I keep seeing that are like "OMG got into UMAINE with a merit scholarship :) :)" or "Got accepted to U_____(insert any state name ever)" as if these are supposed to be um....accomplishments? Okay just let me back up.

First of all, yes, getting into college is an accomplishment. For anyone. And getting the first acceptance letter feels awesome regardless of who you are. But there are certain people, myself included, who have known their entire lives that come senior year, they're going to apply to a fuck ton of colleges and likewise get accepted to a solid shit ton. It is all about applying to security schools and a few reach schools. You apply to colleges that you know you will be accepted to. I'm not talking about fucking Brandeis here or ehem WILLIAM AND FUCKING MARY, BECAUSE YOU'RE GOSH DARN FRIKEN TOOTEN I'M GONNA TOOT MY OWN HORN AT THIS POINT, BECAUSE THAT IS A SELECTIVE SCHOOL OKAY, ALSO ONE THAT JON STEWART ATTENDED SO REALLY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. I'm talking about University of Maine.

Do you want to know something you guys? Something really shocking? Here it is: it's NOT DIFFICULT AT ALL TO BE ACCEPTED INTO A STATE SCHOOL, AND IF YOU ARE BY ANY SEMBLANCE AN INTELLIGENT PERSON, YOU LIKELY ALSO GOT SOME SORT OF SCHOLARSHIP. If you are the kid who has been in honors classes your entire life and represent the top ten percent of your class, as ALL OF THE FUCKERS I'M BITCHING ABOUT DO, then you DON'T need to tell us the random ass state schools that you decided to apply to and therefore immediately got accepted into. Literally a billion jillion kajillion other people did the exact same thing. Settle down and wait for the exciting letters in March, otherwise I'm going to start updating my status every time I cross the street on my own successfully. And for those who know me, you know that's a much bigger accomplishment than any of these twits getting accepted to state universities, just stop it.

Becca rant OVER AND OUT.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello everyone. Did you think that I died again?

Not again as in I've already died before but again as in you thought I died last time I didn't post for a month, and I just gone went and didn't post for a whole nother month again, but I'm back now, but you thought I died didn't you?

Frankly, I did.

Or more accurately I'm on my death bed now. I have a fatally painful sore throat (if by "sore" you mean "there are tiny vikings bludgeoning my esophagus with hammers") and also, I am starting to be a baby about the cafeteria food here again, but really I can either label myself a baby or we can be honest with ourselves and I'll say I'M A HEALTHY FUCKING INDIVIDUAL WHO IS TIRED OF EATING NUTRITIONAL EQUIVALENTS OF CARDBOARD EVERY DAY EXCEPT WORSE because...well not quite worse. It's food. But...if you asked me to quickly tell you if it was food-like cardboard or cardboard-like food, I would freeze and ask you to please repeat the question.

GUYS I FINISHED MY ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE PAPERRRR ANNNNNDDDDD I MADDDEEE ITTTT TOOO SEVVVEENNNN PAGES (because if he didn't say 6 &1/2 isn't 7, then it is  7). And I did it all after planning a little shchmidge I call part of a group presentation on advertising and the LGBT community of which my part concerned magazines. *Backing up here - I'm not sure if that last bit of the sentence made sense but I'm keeping it because...because I feel like it makes sense enough, ya feel me? Enough is good enough these days. Enough should ALWAYS be good enough. Think about that.

Think about that next time you're drinking bottled you think you've contributed enough plastic waste to the environment? No? No, you're right, nah you're good, keep...keep using and throwing away -- Oh wait oh you recycle oh okay everything is okay now because recycling is this magic thing that has no impact on anything and fixes everything for forever so superb! -- a minimum of one water bottle a day. Because you, as one in 7 billion, deserve to consume that much. Every day. With the knowledge that millions of people are doing the same thing.

Wow, that wasn't even what my paper was about, it was a nuclear waste facility trying to be built near a native american tribe!! You'd think it's a classic case of corporation taking advantage of vulnerable community a la environmental injustice style, but leaders of the tribe considered it a well thought out and analyzed decision since their region was already surrounded by some of the worst polluters in the entire country so there was literally no chance of any other kind of industry. And as far as hazardous industries go, the storage of nuclear waste isn't immediately spewing gases and chemicals into the airs and waters, so how truly harmful is it? WE DON'T REALLY KNOW, DO WE?



TO MY LITTLE ANONYMOUS COMMENTER WHO LEFT ME THE LINK TO THE LIGHTHOUSE'S TALE....WHY DO YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS SO? Don't you know how much I love that song???? Hmmm???? Don't you???? Here you go everyone, find out why I love this song so much::::

Filmed in Maine BTTTdubs.

Love you my anonymous commenter!!! keep being anonymous and mysterious and shit!! (i WILL discover the truth someday........SOMEDAY!!!)